Feelings For Me?

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I hate every single thing about this chapter but it's the only thing in my drafts that fits this point of the story. If there are errors, sorry.


"Amelia this is mommy's friend Cameron, remember Cameron?" I said trying to get her to acknowledge him. That's all Cameron was, just a friend. She pulled into me tighter and dug her head in my neck for shelter. "I'm sorry, she's kind of shy lately." I said rubbing her back. "Oh it's totally fine." He said rubbing his hands together.

"So icecream right?" I said as we stood in front of the store. "Uhmm yeah." Cameron said opening the door. I said a small thanks and walked inside. God, this place is freezing.. Literally. Should of brought a better jacket. "You guys can go sit down and I'll go get what you want." He said smiling at me.

"Can you just get one small cone for Amelia and I'll have whatever you think is good." I said while sitting in a booth and placing Amelia in my lap. "Okay sure." He then turned to walk to the counter.

"We acting shy now? Huh?" I joked as she started laughing and tried to pull at my hair. I'm glad she's happy atleast. Nicholas has barely talked to me since our argument and won't even answer my calls. He's only spoken to me once and that was just about Amelia. That was today when he dropped her off here with me.

"Here you go." Cameron said placing the ice cream on the table. I smiled at him before handing her the cone. "She's going to be a completely sticky ball of sugar after this." I said laughing. He laughed at my remark before sliding in on the side of the booth.

"Okay my lady, and for you a chocolate lava extravaganza." He said in his best announcement voice. "Oh no, I know I said whatever you thought was good but I'm trying to lose weight." I said pushing it back towards him. "Why I mean you're already beautiful?" Cameron is very charming I guess you could say but he should know already that I don't fall for lines like that.

"Mhmm yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes. "No, I'm being serious. I'm sure one bowl of the best icecream in town wouldn't ruin a thing." He said smiling that cute boyish smile at me. "Are you trying to hit on me kid? Because its not working." I joked. "Aww really? Because that was my best line baby." He winked at me before he started laughing.

"I guess you were right about the whole sticky thing." Cameron laughed as he put his hand over his mouth. I looked down and saw that in matter of minutes she managed to get ice cream all over her face. "Seriously amelia?" I said sliding out of the booth and standing up with Amelia on my hip.

"Can we go to your car? I think one of her bags is in there from last time." I asked as he stood up also. "Yeah." He said grabbing his keys and throwing the uneaten bowl of icecream away.

I don't understand how eating ice cream can be so difficult. "How do you get ice cream in your hair baby doll?" I said as we finally made it to the car. "Hold her for me please?" I asked before handing her over to Cameron. I opened the car door and pulled out her bag. "You've official turned my beautiful car into a mommy van." He started laughing.

"What does that mean? Anything related to mom is hot." I laughed while pulling some wipes out of her bag. I walked over to them and began wiping her fingers and face. "It's weird you know?" Cameron said breaking the silence that came while I was cleaning her. "What's weird?" I said throwing the dirty wipes into the trash next to us.

"You actually being a mom." He said more to himself than to me. "Well, what am I supposed to be?" I questioned while pulling her out of his hands. Amelia has a little play date with Melanie's nephew today and I want to make sure she's not dirty at all. "Its just different." He said opening the back car door for me so I could sit Amelia in her carseat and buckle her up.

"You're weird kid." I mumbled to myself laughing. He just has these moments where he says these things without restraint and it's sometimes amusing to me. I shut Amelia's door before getting into the passenger seat and turning to look at Cameron. "What are you waiting for?" I said wondering why he hasn't started the car yet. "For you to put your seatbelt on, this cars replaceable but you aren't." He said looking at me.

"You're a piece of work. You know that right?" I said pulling on my seatbelt before buckling it. Not long after he started the car and we drive towards Melanie's house. "Come on, I know you know the words to this song?" He said laughing loudly.

"No Cameron, I'm not singing." I yelled playfully. "Okay I guess you don't have to." He said turning off the radio. The car became silent and I wasn't surprised that Amelia dozed off, car rides seem to always do that to her.

"What do I have to do to make you mine Natalia?" Cameron said staring straight ahead. Oh no, not this again. "Nicholas and I are just going through something right now and eventually things will get better." I said looking out of my window. We were now in Melanie's neighborhood. "I like to think that I'm a good person Natalia, I mean when you chose him over me I totally forgave you and had no hard feelings." He said gripping the steering wheel.

"But you don't know how hard it is for me to know that right now you could've been my girlfriend, hell right now Amelia could've been mine but that's not the case." He pulled into Melanie's driveway before taking off his seatbelt and turning to me. "I've got it bad for you and all you do is just use me as a comfort zone. But I need you to be honest to me right now .. Do you even have feelings for me?"

I can't answer a question like that.

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