Busted Lines Chap. 1

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Nicholas P.O.V

I swear it seems like sometimes this girl doesn't even listen to me. "I'm going to ask Farrah out today." I said while looking in her direction. "Don't Nicky, she's a total bitch." Talia said. I was perfectly fine with choosing who I wanted to date next. I don't need Natalia telling me who and where, I should do stuff with.

"She could be my bitch." I said with a smirk. I got up and threw my trash away and slowly walked over to her table. "What's up Farrah?" I asked with a smile. "Hey O'brian!" Some of the guys from the team yelled. I was on varsity football team for the past years and had came into a bit of popularity along the way. "Hi Nick." She said while getting up. "Can I talk to you?" I asked while scratching the back of my neck.

She looked around for consent from her friends. "Yeah, sure lets go." Grabbing her bag and making way towards the double doors I followed close behind. Once we reached outside I immediately started blurting words out. "So Friday that new movies coming out, you know the one with.. Umm?" I said nervously. "Channing Tatum?" She answered with a smile.

"Yeah, so I know you like him and I was wondering if you wanted to go see it.. I mean with me, do you want to go see the movie with me?" Total fail, way to go nick. You screwed that up faster than I thought. "Of course, you can come get me at 8." She reached into her purse and took out a pen; grabbing my hand she scribbled digits onto my palm. "Great!" I said while she walked back into the cafeteria. Fuck yeah, I'm the man.

"So how'd it go." I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Natalia. "She said yes, Talia! She said fucking yes." I grabbed her hand and spun her around. "Well, I can tell you're excited." Talia said with sarcasm while laughing. "Let's go to Ben's tonight and celebrate." I suggested.

"I have to study tonight Nicky, I can't." She said with a sad face. "Yes you can baby, please?" I whispered while putting on the saddest face I could portray. "Alright, but you owe me bitch." She said while I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

"I love my woman feisty." I said while twisting her around.


This is a filler because I see that people are reading the story but I'd like it very much if people liked the story so I can see if anyone is really into it. Otherwise, I don't plan on continuing it unless I have a crowd. Thank you for reading.

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