My Story Chap. 17

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Quick message. Some really big choosing is coming up and I can't just decided yet. So you guys can vote for who you want Natalia to end up with. So are you #teamnicky or #teamcameron? Inbox me or comment your votes.


"You guys really did try to look for me." I said to my newfound siblings. "Our parents weren't very stable, so they went to other parts of the country to find jobs and they never came back." I was told.

"We stayed with our grandmother, you were to young to remember anyways, just a baby." Natasha said. "So when she passed away we all got split up into foster care." Dylan continued.

This was a lot to take in. Why in this point in my life did I have to go through this? My bestfriend suddenly comes out and tells me he loves me, my brother and sister tell me they've been looking for me since forever. "Who are these people?" Nicholas asked from the doorframe. He was holding a wet rag to his lips, I guess to clean up the blood a little. "My brother and sister." I said smiling at them.

It felt good to say my brother and sister, I had nobody but Nicholas before and knowing there are people out here that share the same blood as me. It's nice and refreshing to know I'm not alone. Nicholas looked surprise, he began to walk into the room.

Dylan looked to me as if he wanted a introduction as to who Nicholas was because their first encounter was under dire circumstances. "I'm Nicholas O'brian, Natty's bestfriend." He said while holding out his hand for Dylan to shake. "Dylan and this is my sister Natasha." Dylan said while shaking Nicky's hand.

Nicholas smiled his genuine charming smile at her and she giggled. No... That is my sister asshole I thought. Nicholas turned to me and said "if you see Angie tell her, that I need to talk to her." He said before bidding goodbye and exiting.

"Well he's a nice young fellow." Dylan said with a smile. Yeah, when he wants to be. "He go to school with you?" Natasha asked. "Yeah but he's a year older than me, so he's graduating on Saturday." I said annoyed that they haven't asked anything about myself yet.


I know this story is becoming less interesting to a lot of you, and I am so very sorry. I just don't feel it like I did in the beginning.

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