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Jamie has kept me up nonstop, I mean it's not crying she doesn't do much of that. She makes this cooing noise all throughout the night. So today I tried to keep her active during the day so she could sleep tonight. It worked and now she's all quiet in her crib.

She's officially 4 months and she's getting so big. Her hair is growing and right now it's very curly and light brown, the same color as Nicholas's. She loves to see nicholas, she smiles and has this little giggle fit.

He just smiles right back at her and makes these weird faces that just have her dying of laughter. He's a good dad so far, I just wish he would start spending more time at home with us. Instead of at practice or with his friends.

I get lonely sometimes too, I mean everyone's moving on with their life's including Nicholas and I just feel stuck here alone.

Cara got accepted into college at UCLA in California. Cameron goes to the same college as Nicholas; I just don't see him that much anymore. Angie's in New York, Tasha and Nessie's on a cruise ship, and Melanie and Dylan are in Germany visiting her parents.

Oh and here I am, married with a baby and having to take my college classes online. While Nicholas has the time of his life.

"You still up?" I heard Nicholas say as he took of his jacket. "I just put Amelia down." I answered as he came over to kiss me. This wasn't a normal kiss, I've been able to calculate when he wants more than this lately and tonight I'm just not up for that.

"I'm tired." I said while pulling away and sitting on the bed. "Come on baby, just a quickie that's all it would be." He said before smiling and trying to kiss my neck. "I'm going to bed Nicholas." I said before getting in the bed. "You know I'm tired of not being able to touch my fucking wife." He said annoyed. "Well, I'm tired. I've been taking care of our child all day." I said while turning my back towards him.

He doesn't even understand that this is my first real night of sleep In 3 days. I'm so tired. "I'm going out." He said heading out of our bedroom. "But you just got here." I said getting up and following him. "I forgot to give Mario his keys to his dorm, he's probably locked out right now." He said before walking down the steps and leaving.

What did I do this time? Of course I love being with Nicholas in that way but lately all it's ever been is just sex for him. I can't seem to do anything right for him anymore. I cook dinner and try to be romantic, he picks up McDonald's before he came home so he's not hungry. I just don't understand.

So I walk back to our room and pull the covers off the bed and grab a pillow. I then walk towards Jamie's room and sit my stuff on the couch and lay down. "Looks like it's just me and you again baby girl." I said.


Nicholas P.O.V

"I swear man, she won't even let me touch her." I said angrily. "She's always tired, you know I'm tired too sometimes. I've been working, all of this is about them too." I said yelling. "Dude, I feel you but you need to stop yelling in here." Thomas said laughing. "Whatever, I'll probably be staying here tonight. I gotta give Leslie this fucking key, she keeps leaving it in my car." I said before walking out the door.

I can't believe there has to be hours when I can touch my girl. Shits fucking ridiculous.

I made it to Leslie's house in less than 10 minutes, she didn't live very far away.

She was sitting outside on the porch when I got there. "Here's your stupid key, stop leaving it in my car." I said while handing it to her. "I have your jacket, come inside you seem a little tense." She said grabbing my hands.

There was no doubt that Leslie was fine. She had curves in all the right places and the fact that she wasn't always fucking TIRED. Was awesome too.

"Leslie, I told you this is done." I said motioning between us. "I have a wife and a kid an-." I argued. "We're not doing anything Nicky, I'm just giving you your jacket." She said smiling sweetly.

"Come here, you've got something on your face." She said before kissing me. This is wrong, so wrong. But I didn't stop the kiss I just let it happen. I know I'm wrong but I miss having Natalia kiss me like this and right now this is something that I need. "You have a condom right?" She said while biting her lip. "I don't usually need one I mean, that'd be a little suspicious to my wife. Don't you think?" I asked. "Whatever, I've got some." She said while standing up. "Wouldn't want to end up prego like the mrs." She laughed.


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