I love you Chap.13

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This part transitions from the parking lot to rexo. (The house.) not much to say but yeah. I feel like what's about to happen in this chapter should have came out at some point. So there. There it is, but this is far from over.


"Why did you wait until now to find me?" I yelled while packing my clothes. "Please lower your voice Natalia, the kids are sleeping." Angie whispered. "Get out, Get out." I yelled to Angie and the man and woman in front of me. My brother and sister they say? As far as I'm concerned they are nothing to me.

"You've got to understand sis, we didn't know where you were." Dylan said. "Yes, mom and dad didn't leave much behind for us to find you either." Natasha the girl said.

"Fine, if you won't leave then I will." I said throwing my backpack over my shoulder and running down the stairs. "Come back, Talia." Angie yelled. Screw them, screw everyone. I thought if there was anyone in this world I could trust it was nick. But we see how that turned out. Now my brother and sister come back into my life and expect us to just be family?

I kept walking until I got to the pier. As I turned the corner I reached into one of the hollowed out trees and pulled out 2 of the beers nick and I had left from times before. I popped one open and drunk the whole thing as I walked to the pier. I saw that someone was already there but I didn't care.

"Talia." I looked back and saw nick looking at me. "I'm leaving." I coldly mumbled while walking away. "No wait." He cried. I turned around and glared at him hard. "Please just give me 2 minutes to explain myself?" He pleaded.

"You know I should walk away right now." I said grabbing the other beer and cracking it open before drinking it. Honestly I should, but I wanted to hear his explanation for treating me like shit. I put the beer down.

"Okay, I guess that means you're listening." He started. "Go." I said tapping my hand against the wood. I can see where his eye is starting to swell from the blow he took, I immediately felt bad. "I know I was a dick, I know we made a promise to never hurt each other..but Nat I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I lied about my parents, I just didn't want you to see me differently. I'm also sorry I let Farrah treat you that way, I was a coward and a fool but baby I'm sorry, and honestly I was angry." He mumbled all these words, it was more like he was talking to himself than me.

He began to pace back and forth and pulling at his hair. "I was angry because you're my everything and too see you act that way with Cameron... It made me feel unwanted like you didn't need me anymore.. Because, Because I love you Talia." He stopped his pacing and looked at me. "I love you too Nicky but you treated me lik--" he put both of his arms on the sides of me.

"No you're not comprehending me, I love you. I love you like I want to marry you, I love you like I want to be with you in every way possible. I love you like I want to be your everything." He said before kissing me.

This kiss, it wasn't like the ones we've shared before.. It was real and it was honest and I felt something.. I really did but. "You're drunk again, get off me nick." I said while pushing him away. "It doesn't change the way I feel about you." He yelled. "I can't do this right now." I said pushing him away again and grabbing my backpack before walking away.

It wasn't that I didn't like the kiss, it's just that. I think I'm in love with my bestfriend. I think I've kinda always been.

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