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Team Nicholas fans are about to be real hurt over this chapter. Sorry loves.


"I know we haven't been under the best circumstances but baby do I have news for you." Nicholas said picking me up and spinning me around as I entered the house. "Where's Amelia?" He asked. "She's with my family... have you been drinking?" I asked. His clothes reeked of alcohol.

"Just a little bit." He said pulling me closer to him. "Turns out Leslie lied, the baby's totally Thomas's." he said trying to kiss me. "You don't know that? You slept with her too remember?" I said trying to pull away from him. "Yeah but the dates don't match up sweetheart." He said playing with my shirt.

"So how about right now we try to make another baby?" He said pulling off his shirt. He's a drunk pig honestly. I started walking away from him and up the stairs. "What? You don't want to give me another child?" He asked following closely behind me. "We have Amelia, I think that's enough for now." I said entering our bedroom and heading for our closet.

"See it's the shit like this that I don't understand. As a wife you should be able to provide me with the things I want and you can't even do that." He said still following me. "I have Nicholas! I've given you my all, I'm your wife and the mother of your child but when am I going to start living for myself." I'm so fed up, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Answer this for me Natalia, who have you been staying with since our argument." He said calmly sitting on our bed. "None of your damn business that's who." I said grabbing a suitcase. "I don't know if you're just fucking slow Natalia but I'm your husband so it's my business to know." He laughed sarcastically.

"I'm leaving you." I said sitting the suitcase on the bed and grabbing my clothes out of drawers. "No you're not." He said grabbing me. "This marriage was over before it even started." I yelled. "Well maybe if you tried to listen to what I had to say for once instead running off to that fucking kid like a whore, we wouldn't be here." I could tell he was getting angrier but I didn't give a fuck. "Well maybe if you didn't fuck other girls like the whore you are, we wouldn't be here." I countered. I'm so done with this asshole.

Today I'd made a choice and I chose him over Cameron. What a bad fucking idea on my part.

"Here's your stupid fucking phone, and this stupid fucking worthless wedding ring." I said pulling it off my finger and throwing it at him. And then he did something I'd never thought he'd do; he hit me. He really hit me.

I tasted blood in my mouth and felt it on the outside so I placed my hand on my mouth and sure enough there it was. Bright as day "Natalia, I'm so sorry." Nicholas said reaching out for me. "Stay away from me." I mumbled. "It was an accident. You know that right?" He said coming closer to me.

"I'm going to fucking ruin you, I'm taking this house and you know what I'm getting full custody of Amelia. So you better lawyer up asshole because I'm taking everything." I said pushing past him.

I could care less about this house and material things. I just want to see him hurt like he hurt me. He can kiss football good fucking bye because I'm going to end his career.

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