Heart To Heart Chap. 2

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"Do you think I'm pretty?" I asked him as we sat on the pier and looked over the water. "I think you're gorgeous." He replied while standing up and taking a drink from the bottle we stole from Angela's alcohol closet. I smiled he always knew how to make me feel better about myself. "Except that booger you have hanging out of your nose, I mean eww talia." He said with a look of disgust.

A look of horror crossed my face as I grabbed my nose hiding it away from him. "Really?" I said. "Nope, I just love fucking with you." He said with a annoying laugh. "You're an asshole, you know that right? You should convert to asshole-ism?" I said faking angry but at some point being totally honest.

He gave me this weird look and came closer. "Oh baby, you're using my words now? I like it." He said while placing his arms on both sides of me. I can admit that ever since we got older Nicholas whole demeanor has changed, yeah he's attractive and I'm not going to lie. I love it when he acts this way towards me, but honestly he's just joking around as always.

When we were younger, we'd shared a few kisses. I mean I know that that can cause some really crazy damage in a relationship but we'd never taken it more farther and serious than that.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked placing his forehead on mine. "Umm how about no?" I said trying to move from his grip. "Why not?" He said while blowing his breathe in my face. "Uh because you're drunk." I said trying to move away from him. "So if I wasn't drunk, would you let me kiss you?" If this boy does not get off of me I swear!

"Yes kid, if it means you'll get off of me than yes!" I yelled while pushing him off of me. He stumbled back and laughed. "You owe me, it doesn't mater when or where." He winked at me. "That was technically assault, you were sexually assaulting me." I said with a serious face.

"How is it rape if you liked it?" I punched him in his arm as we gathered our stuff and walked home. "So, your date with Farrah?" I asked quietly. "What about it?" He said while whistling. "Where are you taking her?" I asked while moving closer to the grassy part of the road, so a car could pass by. "To Germany, I feel it's beautiful this time of year." He said with a chuckle.

"You're such a spaz and a nark." I giggled. Silence developed us again as we got closer to the house. "Do you think she'll ever wanna be with somebody like me?" He asked while turning towards me.

I could tell that now he was serious. This date must mean a lot to him. "If she doesn't then that's her loss, but I'm sure that's unlikely. She'll see the beautiful person you are like everyone here does." I leaned in and hugged him.

Just him and I as always. I loved it when we were just together. But little did I know that wouldn't last forever.


This story will mostly have to do with Natalia because I feel her character portrays main character, characteristics. That was a whole lot of unnecessary characters lol. So can I get some feedback my home fries, I'd appreciate comments more than votes at this time. I see you guys are reading and it's got me all emotional and what not. So keep voting and reading and I'll make Natalia twerk. Lol not.. she's classy never trashy in every way.

So until next time gorgeous people, oh wait? Is that a booger in your nose? Ewwwwwwwww.

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