Short Walking Away

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Even the nicest people can get pretty nasty when you make them angry. So don't come at me in the comments asking why I'm making "good characters" out to "bad characters" because nobody's perfect.

And jealousy and anger can make you say some pretty ugly things to someone you truly care about. So if I get a comment asking any questions about what I just answered. I WILL BE HIGHLY PISSED!! & don't get fresh with me when I reply to you like you're 10. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! & here's the BACKBONE & CHANGE in Natalia you've been asking for.


About 3 weeks later

I knocked on Cameron's door repeatedly waiting for him to answer. Coming here was one step towards getting my life together. Something I should've done a very long time ago. "God, who knocks on the damn door like that anymore." Cameron said opening the door.

He rolled his eyes once he saw it was me and let out an annoyed sigh. "What? Did he beat on you this time? Or wait maybe he cheated on you again? Oh no, did he leave you?" He said while laughing sarcastically. "I came here to set things straight but if you want to be an asshole and rub my past in my face please do continue." I said shaking my head. From where I was standing I could smell the alcohol on his breathe.

"Natalia, I have the right to be an asshole." Cameron yelled. "I see how at some point you are right but Cameron I told you more than once that I was in love with Nicholas..that he was my husband. It's my fault I ever allowed us to be whatever this is." I said placing my hand on my forhead.

"I'm sorry Cameron, I just want us to be on good terms." I stated while playing with the hem of my shirt. I didn't come here to argue, I'm beyond tired of that and just want to have a real adult conversation for once.

"You can't say you don't love me nat, because if you didn't you wouldn't keep running to me. We basically slept together, I mean not literally but you know." He muttered.

I needed him to know that this was done for final, or at least until I found myself and what was best for me and my child.

"We were just a high school fling that didn't even last that long, and you can't seem to get over the fact that Nicholas got me and you didn't." There I said it, something that we both knew.

His facial expression mimicked that of hurt but it changed as soon as it came to pure hatred. "The only reason he even got you was because you couldn't keep your fucking legs closed, got you knocked up with a baby you didn't even fucking want." He said crossing his arms.

"I bet, the only reason you're probably even with him is because of stability. Instead of being with someone you could actually love. God, you're so fucked up Natalia. I can't believe I even spent time on you. You're pathetic." He said glaring at me.

"You chose an asshole over a guy who was willing to take care of not only you but a child that's not even his. Guess that was my mistake, yeah? But don't worry I bet I won't make that damn mistake again." Cameron yelled. I'm not going to add anymore fuel to the fire, I'm done. So rather than arguing back I simply said what I felt was right.

"I chose no one, I came here to apologize.. Not to be humiliated in front of someone I thought would respect me. I came to say goodbye because I'm leaving soon and hoped I could show you how sorry I am for losing friends like you and Cara." making amends was the first thing I've decided to do before I leave.

"You're moving?" He asked surprised. "That doesn't matter anymore I guess, I see how you truly feel and I say this way too much but I'm sorry for everything." I'm tired of making mistakes, and I'm tired of playing victim and being vulnerable. This was the last time I was ever going to live for other people.

After I finished what I came here to say I turned walking away from his apartment. The first step to living for me was walking away and that's what I'm going to do.

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