I'm Sorry

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I'm trying to salvage all the pieces of the story I lost and put it into a story, so sorry if this update isn't up to standards. It's short and spacey sorry. :)


Yesterday. Natalia's P.O.V

"You're going to go back to him?" Cameron asked while looking at me sadly. "We have a family together, he's my husband." I said pushing my hair behind my ear. "Who cares Natalia? He obviously didn't. I'm talking to you as a friend right now. Not as somebody who's in love with you." He said standing up from the table.

I looked away from him. "I'm sorry." This was the right thing to do. I don't want Amelia to grow up thinking her parents didn't try to make it work. "Whatever, don't come running to me when this doesn't go the way you want." He walked over to the front door and opened it.

guess this is his way of kicking me out. "I don't want us to end like this." I tried hugging him but he turned away from me. "That's fair." I said shaking my head and leaving.


Today. Cara's P.O.V

"No! You listen to me, you're not going to run over my brother anymore." I yelled at Natalia. In the beginning we were young and it didn't matter that she chose Nicholas because we were kids. But now these are real feelings and emotions that she's playing with.

"I'm not running him over." She said quietly. "Yes you are, Stop making him feel like there's a chance you're gonna be with him because we all know you're going to go right back to the abusive asshole you call a husband." This has gotten out of hand and honestly our friendship is the last thing on my list now. She's hurting my brother and that's my blood, that's my family. He's a good fucking person.

"Are you done?" She said looking down. "Oh I'm far from done Natalia, you need to make up your mind because pretty soon nobody's going to want to deal with a indecisive person like you." This really irks me and I don't know why I let it continue on for this long. "I'm sorry." Natalia said looking me in the eye for the first time in this whole conversation. "Yeah, you sure are." I mumbled before turning to walk away.

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