Oh Man Chap. 16

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I feel like there are a great deal of things happening, so let me explain them to you. I don't try to involve the other foster kids in this story much unless it relates to my main characters. So they are there, I just don't write of them. Rexo is in fact a foster home, Angie is their caretaker I guess you could say, but there aren't many kids at rexo , I want to say like maybe 4 or 5 because like I've mentioned before, most of the kids grew up or got adopted. Also, frank the officer is infact Catherine and Cameron's stepdad. To make this story more interesting this is their last week of actual school.


"Thanks for bringing me home." I said hugging Cameron. I decided to spend the next 2 nights at cara's and it was fun. Endless popcorn and movies but I really needed to handle some stuff at home before school tomorrow. "You know when I get to college, you can come visit me anytime." He said while winking. "Yeah well I'll take it into consideration." I smiled.

I heard the front door open. Please no Natasha and Dylan. I haven't thought of what I was going to say to them yet and I don't think I'm even ready to talk to them. I spun around to seen Nicholas. On second thought, they wouldn't have been so bad.

"What's he doing here?" Nicholas said. "Dropping my girlfriend off, you?" Cam said with an annoyed tone. "I live here." Nicholas said while looking at me sadly. "You're his girlfriend now?" Nicky asked. Well, technically I never said I was his girlfriend and we never talked about this.

"Yeah, so anything you have to ask my girlfriend you can ask me." Cameron said while stepping in front of me. "I don't need permission to talk to my bestfriend, who I've know for half of my life." He chuckled sarcastically.

"Lately, you sure haven't been treating her like that. Huh?" Cameron said while getting into nicks face. "Stop, you guys please." I said trying to pull Cameron away. "No, I sure haven't but quite frankly that's none of your damn business." Nicholas yelled before pushing cam out of the way.

Oh no. "Stop." I yelled but it was to late. Cameron tried to punch nick and missed. Nick then took the chance to punch cam in the face. "You fucking asshole." Cam yelled while dropping nick to the ground and repeatedly punching him before they rolled down into the grass. Nick got up and kicked cam in the stomache. "Angie!" I yelled!

How could she not hear what's going on out here? Suddenly, an unfamiliar car pulled into the driveway. A man got out, and I saw that it was Dylan. He quickly ran over and began pulling the boys apart.

I ran down the pathway to them and went to Nicholas's side. He had a busted lip and a scratch on his face. He had so much hate in his eyes "get off of me." He yelled before walking away.

"Your fucking psychopathic bestfriend, broke my noise." Cameron yelled before grabbing his keys off the ground. "You tempted him." I said while walking towards him. "I was only trying to defend you, call me when you make up your mind." Cam said before getting into his car and leaving. Is he really asking for me to choose between him and Nicholas?

"I see you've got some boy problems little sis." Dylan said while looking at me. "You don't even know the half of it." I said while rubbing my temples. We only have one week of school left. I have another year to go but they don't, they're spending their last week of highschool ever fighting over silly old me.


Short & rushed. Sorry.

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