Word On The Street

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Whaaaaaaaat? Sorry I didn't update as usual yesterday.


"Word on the street, is that O'brian's a up & coming baby daddy." Thomas said while we were doing push ups. "Word on the street is you need to mind your damn business." I said. "Come on man, we're all friends here." He said laughing. "Actually, since we're all friends....there's a possibility you could be one too." I said dropping to the ground.

"What?" He said getting up. "You know that little football girlfriend slash wife get together they have like every weekend now?" I said while standing up. He nodded. "Jennifer starts busting out crying, apparently she's pregnant." I said shrugging. "Welcome to the life of being a daddy." I said patting him on the back.

Thomas ran out of the locker room after our little conversation. Probably to call Jennifer.That's should get him out of my business for once "Is that true?" Dave asked coming to stand by me. "I don't know." I said while smiling. But it got him to shut the fuck up for once.

"So we still out for today?" Dylan yelled from across the room. "I don't know man, you see Natalia isn't very fond of me hanging out with any of you guys." I said while laughing. "I mean don't take it personal, like she hates Thomas but I guess you guys are alright." I said while grabbing my keys.

"Later." I said while throwing my gym bag over my shoulder and exiting the gym. "You know your getting pretty good at football these days." I heard a female voice say. "Fuck off Lesli--" I said turning around to find Farrah. What the hell? Is it like this huh? The more faithful I become to my wife, the more hoes from my past turn up.

"What do you want Farrah, if you haven't heard I'm marrie--" I started. "Relax, I'm not here for you. I'm here for Leslie, my friend." She said while playing with her necklace. "She's pregnant with your kid yet you're denying her baby the right to have a father?" She said faking surprise.

"I'm not denying her anything. That kid isn't mine and when it's born we can get a DNA test to prove it." I said before turning to walk towards my car. "And tell Leslie to stop sending her dogs to do her work for her." Dumb fucking whores.


Natalia's P.O.V

"Lion king? Oh that's a good choice Amelia." I said while helping her put it in the DVD player. I'd decided that in Amelia's first 3 years I'd just be house mom but that's not what I want. I want to work and have a job and not always depend on Nicholas but for right now, I'll just have to continue taking classes online.

After we got the movie set up, I picked her up and carried her to the bed with me. "Natalia?" I heard Nicholas's voice from downstairs and the door close. "Upstairs!" I yelled. I heard him walk up the stairs.

"Baby, I've had a long day and all I want is to just mak--" he stopped as he walked into the room and saw Amelia. "I thought It was nap time." He said staring at her. "Well, we're watching a movie now." I said trying to stifle a laugh.

I knew what he wanted but he wasn't going to get it now that Amelia was awake. "Aren't you tired Amelia?" Nicholas asked while looking at her. "No." She said while turning around and hugging me. "Yeah but--" Nicholas was about to say something. "Bye, bye Daddy." She said waving goodbye.

"This is mother - daughter day Nicholas." I said while laughing. "You have to go." I said smiling. "Oh..okay?" He said confused while walking away.


Not even a good chapter but you guys sorry for not updating yesterday, just got back from a very long trip and I wrote these and two others chapters along the way :)

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