Im in love with --- Chap 5.

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So I have a bad habit of fast forwarding my stories to fit with what's going on in my mind. So bear with me. Also I get writers block alot and when I can't think of anything that's good enough I just abandon my stories. If you don't believe me, go check out my other titles. It Still Hurts, and Letters from Matey.


4 weeks have passed and Nicky and I are back to where we were before. We made up and are spending a lot of time together. I mean way more than before. Currently we were sitting in my bedroom watching a movie. He had his head placed in my lap while I leaned against the headboard.

It was surprisingly quiet today, Angie took most of the kids on a bit of a field trip. It's suppose to last about the rest of the week. Ever since we grew older, kids started to leave and not a lot were being brought into the orphanage. Which is a good thing because they've found homes but for Angie, I can imagine how sad that can be.

She simply adores kids, she hasn't had any if her own but she considers us her own. This woman has done a lot for us and I can't possibly thank her enough. "If I dyed my hair dark brown do you think I'd be as attractive as carlton?" He said with a sarcastic dreamy tone while brushing his hands through his light brown hair.

"Shut up, and you know his name is Cameron." I laughed while pushing him a little. "Whatever, what do you see in him anyways?" He said while rolling over. "I see a guy who likes me, and I like him back." I smiled while thinking of his green eyes and beautiful locks of hair. Man that boy will be the death of me. "Eww I see that look in your eyes, are you daydreaming about having sex with him?" He said while rolling off of me and sitting up.

"You're not funny." I said while picking up a pillow and slapping him with it. He laughed and then we became silent. The silence with nick was a nice, comfortable silence. I'd do anything for this boy. He just doesn't even know how much I love him.

"Have you ever loved someone so much but you didn't know how to tell them? I mean like everything they do is beautiful to you and you don't know why? From their laugh to their comebacks it's just amazing. They're amazing." He said while staring up at the ceiling.

I don't know what to say? I've never heard him talk serious about loving someone like that before. "But you don't know if they'll feel the same way you feel. So you act like you don't have those feelings but you do.. And there's nothing to do but tell her that you're deeply in love with her." He said while tapping his fingers together. He does that a lot when he's confused or unsure about something.

He looked up me with his light brown eyes and the way he looked it just made me melt. "Natalia I'm in love with--" the house phone rang scaring the hell out of me. "Sorry, give me a sec?" I got up and answered the phone. He nodded his head and looked down. "Come answer this door bitch, it's cold as fuck out here." I heard Cara answer on the other end. "Alright." I said.

I hung up and turned towards nick. "Nicky I'm so sorry." He smiled at me sadly and said. "It's okay talia, I have to go get Farrah for dinner tonight anyways." He said while hopping off the bed and running his fingers through his air. "Might get a haircut along the way." He smiled. But I know it wasn't a genuine one, tonight I'd find out exactly what's wrong with him.

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