your right

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Alyssa's P.O.V

From: Baby Boy

"can you come over, please? I miss you so much" I sigh at the text but refuse to give in, refuse to let him think what ever he is doing behind my back is right.

To: Baby boy

"Cant. with Eleanor." I press send and engulfing myself into my conversation with Eleanor and Louis again, even though Louis is doing most of the talking and Eleanor is just sitting there nodding.

"Alyssa its been a week, you've barley had contact with him" Louis says and I sigh in defeat, hes right its been a week since I've seen Harry I haven't completely blocked hiim out but I am just as miserable as he is trust me.

"Louis I saw what I saw" I say in complete honesty I saw exactly what I said I saw and it was suspicious completly suspicious.

"He'd never cheat on you he loves you" Louis implys and I sigh once again, he's right Harry would never intentionally hurt me. We love each other to much to put each other through a pain like that a horrible pain that doesn't seem to go away.

"Ill go see him" I groan and he smiles at me, giving me that look telling me I am doing the right thing which I probably am. I'm not going to be the girl that runs away from her problems, well that's what Harry said anyway.

I get up from my seat and grab my bag, they always some how get through to me. I dont know how they do it but they do, I'm really anxious to see Harry since it has been a week and I know he is infurated with me but I am with him as well. Although this how conflict could have been solved if he would just tell me what is going on, but he doesn't.

"Good luck" Eleanor shouts and I wave goodbye before getting into my car, and driving to Harry's place. When I arrive it looks normal, like I've never left but I have I sigh before collecting myself and make my way towards the door.

"Maybe I should have texted him first" I scold myself for not telling him I would be on my way, I already told him I didnt well or couldn't seem him so blandly.

I decide not to knock I mean I never do, I walk into the house and dont see Harry anywhere which is odd, his car is in the driveway I wonder to the living room and kitchen still he is no where to be found meaning his probably upstairs.

I quietly but quickly make my way up the stairs and as I'm right in front of the door, I hear muffled noises and my heart stops.

I open the door slowly to see something I never thought I would see.

The room seems like its spinning, and I'm loosing oxygen I can't even comprehend what is going on because I never expected this to be it.

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