Chapter 1

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Before you continue, please be aware that this is my first book published on Wattpad. It's not professionally edited. I will have a lot of choices that you may disagree on, but for now, cool it down on the comment section, please.

However, this chapter will have many changes in the future and I'll try to make my grammar as exceptional as I could. But, only for you guys.

Update: As mention previously, I decided to start this journey now! This is so recent. I'm going to update rewritten chapters from 4-7 for beginners. As of now only chapters 1 and 2 are already rewritten. The others like chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7 will be back after they're rewritten anytime soon. The comments are still here. Recommend you to continue with this chapter and the next chapter on the wait. Everything still makes sense. All you need to know right now, Carly became best friends with classmate Bella and the rest of the crew Amy and Harry. They all met at Carly's new school Pinewood High recently. As you know for Caleb, he doesn't really like Carly and is a HUGE jerk BUT his formal best friend Ryan has a crush on Carly so far. Ryan is this wholesome, rich, sweet guy, captain of the football team at Pinewood High so if you continue to chapter 8 Bella and Carly are on their way to Ryan's party. Lexi is Queen B with her friends, she's dating Caleb, finds Carly to be a threat.

Do not steal or transform my book. It is highly written by me and I spent hours and hours coming up with the plot. Please don't plagiarize, transform or steal my book. Please. I'm sure you can come up with a great story on your own.

If I catch you I'll report you to the police and bring your butt to court and have you pay 150,000 dollars. I will! I will!

Ha, ha! I'm not that crazy.

Understood? Understood.

Fun fact: I was thirteen when this book first got published. I'm still in the middle of my teens so therefore in the oldest chapter are getting rewritten which makes it so much better. The recent one is better writing. (If you want to get over this wave of thrill you should skip to chapter 8 because the blackmail will be bought up later on in the latest chapters or skip to chapter 21 where the romance actual plot begins). The storyline will get good when you continue to read past the oldest ones. Now you can actually continue with this chapter and the next is now rewritten for a tip.

This is a LONG chapter. Don't complain. I love my Romance stories long.

I ask for all of you guys to take all your balls and hold onto them tightly. Because throughout the chapters will make you... DUN, DUN, DUN!

* Also spread this story out! Show other people it so it can become more known and more famous. Tell your friends, family, relatives, neighbors, stepbrother (Even if they are like Caleb), whoever you want! 

VOTE!!! COMMENT!!! Enjoy!!!


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Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I introduce you to a wonderful romance book...

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I introduce you to a wonderful romance book

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