"Girls!" One of the bodyguards say in a demanding tone.
Camila acts like she didn't hear anything.
"How long has it been hurting ? Where does it hurt?" Camila asks rapidly.

"I - don't - know - it hurts - really - bad - and - I feel - sick." Lauren says in a broken voice with uncontrollable tears.

Camila knows Lauren is a tough cookie , so something must seriously be wrong for her to cry like that.
Their bodyguard returns again demanding for them.
"We need a doctor or ambulance ASAP !" Camila tells him.

He listens and grabs the others so they know what's happening.

"What's going on?! " Ally asks as they enter the room.

"She says her head hurts really bad." Camila says in a concerned tone.

"Oh yeah she mentioned that to us this morning while you were in the shower but it didn't seem that serious then." Normani tells her.

"Guys somethings really wrong with her, she never cries like this." Dinah says to them.

"I know!" Camila says.

"Will! Janelle! Whoever we need medical attention back here ASAP !" Dinah shouts out.

The girls continue pounding Lauren with questions until the ambulance arrives.

A few minutes later two paramedics come in with a stretcher . They take her blood pressure right away , then they realize that she's pregnant and put her on the stretcher and rush her to the hospital.

"I'm sure she's in good hands, you all have interviews to finish up." Will says telling them that they can't go follow after her.

They look so upset but don't disobey Will
"I don't give two f**ks " Camila says as she gets the driver to take her to the hospital and leaves the girls.

"Who was that?" Dinah says in shock because Camila never fights anyone or stands up for herself.

"I have no idea but we taught her well." Normani says as she gives Dinah a hi-five.

Will guides them to their vehicle for their next duty of the day.
"Guys I think it's only right that we say a little prayer for our girl." Ally suggests as the others agree.

On the flip side ,
Camila contacts the Jauregui's and let's them know what's happening.
"I'm gonna catch a flight out there immediately " Clara says on the other end.

Camila's vehicle pulls up in front of the hospital, Camila hops out as fast as she can.

When she gets inside she tells the desk who she's looking for.
"You have to wait a while , she was just admitted , they have tests to run." The receptionist tells her.
She takes a seat in the waiting area.

"Where's your other halves?" The interviewer asks the three girls.

"Oh they had a thing..." Normani says looking to the others for assistance.

"They were um coming down with something, very contagious." Ally adds on.
The interviewer nods and continues with the interview.

As Camila sits in the waiting room she gets contrast updates from the Jauregui's about their status.
A few minutes later she looks at her phone as sees a notification from "TMZ" that reads - 19 year old Lauren Jauregui of girl group Fifth Harmony rushed to the ER in NYC

"Oh no." Camila quietly says to herself.

Shortly after the other three girls and their team comes rushing into the hospital.
"This is bad, her health is important but at the same time the media is gonna find out that she's pregnant." Janelle tells them.

"I know you girls were supposed to do that sit down today, but I'm gonna have to send out a statement to the publicist to put out to hush the media for now." Janelle continues.

A doctor appears, "Are you all here for Lauren Jauregui?" Her asks.

"I'm afraid you all can't see her at once , so who's the closest to her?" He asks.

"Well we all are." Camila says.
"Cheech you should go." Dinah says to her.

Camila gets up and follows the doctor up the elevator.
He waits until they're in the room to disclose the situation.

"So it appears that you friend here had a "mini - stroke" if she would have waited any longer some important vessels would have ruptured , so she's really lucky to be alive." He tells her.

"Is she gonna fully recover? Is the baby okay?" Camila asks in a genuinely concerned tone.

"Yes she will recover normally like I said she got lucky it wasn't too serious, and yes the baby is unharmed." He tells her.

"She's gonna be stuck here for at least 4 days for tests to make sure it won't happen again." He adds.

The doctor steps away and let's her fully enter the room to see her bandmate.
Camila peers around slowly.

"Hey there." She simply says with a smile on her face.
Lauren gives a half smile but is clearly out of it and tired and drugged up.

"You know who I am ... Right?" Camila asks.

"Yeah you're my girlfriend." Lauren says.

Camila's face turns red, "n-no - no I'm not sure about all that." She says stuttering.

"Um I'll come back real soon." Camila says as she leaves to go get the others to come see her, while she's still in shock by the words that came from Lauren's mouth.

So what did you guys think of this chapter? Gotta love drugged up Lauren lol

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