Chapter 15 - New Plan of Action

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Author's Note: Ah, I'm sorry about the wait - but the new chapter is up now - I hope you enjoy it :)

Dedication: For NiamhInWonderland. Thank you for supporting me and leaving me lovely comments. Thank you for reading and enjoying and thank you for writing such a wonderful story yourself :)


Alexandur sat in his chair, leafing through the pages of a book he wasn’t really reading. He glanced at the cover and, seeing it was one of Henric’s cookery books, set it aside as he had no interest in that kind of thing. Alexandur sighed and began to pace the room, his feet barely making a sound on the carpet. “What’s the matter?” Said Henric, coming into the room and taking Alexandur’s seat.

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t sit still...but I don’t know where to go. Something isn’t right...but how to fix it?”

“We’ll go and see that puppet show tonight.”

“It’s on?”

“Yes, I checked this morning.”

“Ah, good. At least we have something of a lead.”

“If you call watching a show a lead.” Henric shrugged.

“It’s better than being cooped up in here all day.” Alexandur sighed and sat down in the middle of the floor. There was an firm tapping at the door. Henric looked at Alexandur and he looked back at him.

“Aren’t you going to get that?” Said Henric.

“Don’t bother,” sighed Alex and Henric remained seated “it’s probably Dorina coming about her stupid costume again. How many times do I have to tell her that no, we do not have her dress in pink and no, we cannot find her a bigger bow and yes, the audience will still love her.” Henric began to laugh but abruptly stopped when the persistent knocking at the door became louder. Alex groaned and went to open the door.

“She’s very determined, isn’t she?” Said Henric.

Alexandur opened the door and said “Oh, good evening officer. What brings you here?”


The sun was setting as Otto and I made our way over to Ryba’s theatre, our shadows were long and cast up on the building next to us. It would be dark soon, winter days were short and the nights were long. Despite the sun I breathed in a lung full of cold hair and shivered. Snow was on its way, I could taste it. I saw, rather than felt Otto’s arm link mine, I stared at our shadows for a moment longer and then turned to him. “You alright?” Said Otto.


“You seemed a bit out of it.”

“Just thinking.” I said and shrugged, brushing off the matter.

“These puppets...what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know, but I think I owe it to Ryba to help her out.”

“How come?”

“I didn't listen to her when she said it was the puppets, I thought it was someone messing around.”

“I can hardly blame you. I mean, it’s a little unbelievable isn’t it?”

“Just a little.” I said and knocked on Ryba’s door. “Hello Ryba-“ I began when she opened the door but she cut me off.

“I’m so glad you came! You have no idea what happened last night.” Said Ryba ushering us in “there was something walking up the stairs. I have no idea what it was doing but I’m pretty sure it was a puppet. Please, Anna. You have to help me figure this out.”

“Alright, alright.” I said, trying to calm my mind “looks like you’re not the only one having trouble with puppets and, if my hunch is correct, I think it’s the whole of Prague that is being affected.”


“The murders Ryba.”

“I’m going to get murdered?” Ryba shrieked.

“Ryba, just shut up.” Said Otto “you’re not going to get murdered, alright?”

“But the puppets...”


A group of puppets lay in wait, watching the man through the window. Each had a bundle of string under their arm, each had a knife. When the man left the room they quickly entered through the window and scattered, each one taking a different hiding place. Each one ready to spring the attack. Some hid in drawers, some in cupboards and some under furniture. They could only work once it was dark though, the creator had been very specific about that. This had been the creator's idea, the new scheme. The puppets were buzzing with excitement, they could hardly wait to try it out. This was what they had been made for. What they were always meant to do.

They had a new plan of action. A new way of operating. It had better work though, nobody wanted to face the creator’s wrath if everything failed. That’s why it was imperative that everything played out like a show. If everyone kept to the script then nothing could go wrong...right?


“We have a new plan of action.” I said, leading Otto and Ryba to the stage. “We aren’t going to stay up in your room and just listen, we’re going to hide under the seats in here and wait.”

“No.” Said Ryba, shaking her head “I can’t.”

“You don’t have to.” I said “why do you think I brought Otto too? I thought you might chicken out.” I glared at her, challenging her. I saw her gaze falter and I smirked.

“Oh,” she said “I thought you might have brought him for a different reason.” She raised her eye brows “well, I’ll stay.” I stuck out my tongue and Otto just looked between us, sure he was missing something.

“Private joke.” I said, walking past him. I climbed under a seat and made sure I had a clear view of the stage. I was sort of dreading seeing what was going to happen. Did I really want to see puppets come to life? Did I really want that tiny bit of hope stripped from me? That hope that maybe this wasn’t happening. No, I didn’t really want that but I wanted to truth more. I wanted to fix this because, well, nobody else was going to. Let’s face it, the police weren’t much use and people were getting murdered. It had to stop.


Author's Note: I wonder how their new plan is going to go. Not the most exciting chapter, I know, but it's building up to it :) Just something I spotted on the last chapter about the creator. Everyone seems to presume that they're male. I was very careful not to reveal their gender and everyone seems to presume they're a man. Hmm, interesting xD Maybe something about the way they speak? :) Well, you'll find out at some point just not yet. Not for a while ^_^

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