chapter 49{THE TWINS}

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1 year later...
The kids have grown up a lot but they haven't moved on that much, they still look like teenagers.

Dave said it was because they're twins and that they might stay that way forever.

And more news about the twins?...well let's just say they drive me and Dave crazy!!

They're troublemakers, but I guess that's what makes them normal like the rest.

Other news about us is....we moved to L.A. It's real nice here but I'm guessing it's temporary because I told Dave that I would love to live back in Ireland.

He agreed to it too but he wants to stay in L.A for at least 3 years, that way Jade and Vince will graduate.

So I'm enjoying this so far. I mean there aren't really conflicts between me and Dave anymore.

That's a really good thing though.

Rick's pov
Me and Eva had another boy, so in total we've got 4 kids and boy is it tiring.

But he's older now, it took a while for Eva to get pregnant though. It was scaring us too but we finally managed to get over it once we found out she was pregnant.

His name is Troy, it's simple I know that's what we were looking for...a simple name so he could blend in.

And I miss Sophie, my brother, my niece and nephew. still living close to us, Sophie told me and Eva to look out for her and her son.

So that's what we do. Ever since Sebastian threatened to kidnap Evangeline after Sophie and Dave left, Eva and me are her temporary parents for now.

I'm sure Sophie and Dave would want to come back. We are also getting ready for my daughter's wedding, Lindsay.

We agreed to it of course. I love seeing her happy and smiling all the time. Sometimes though I just want her to be a little girl again.

I miss her...but she is my baby girl forever even though she's not mine it's like she really is ours. She is...

Evangeline's pov
It's been a year now and my son is a teenager now. Just like my other two siblings.

It's weird though, it really is...don't you think? Alistair is a famous comedian which I find so awesome.

And I am a clothes designer and I love being it but it's kinda weird when you have your mom model your clothes sometimes.

Even my sister is a professional at modeling. She's thought about it but anyways I know my family is in a bit of danger.

Ever since my mom and dad moved to L.A, Sebastian has been threatening them that he was going to kidnap me. Which I totally doubt.

Because my aunt and uncle are protecting me 24/7 literally. But I'm scared a little because there's a little distraction for them.

Lindsay's wedding, yes I am happy for her because she is my best friend other than my cousin. But what if Sebastian decides to take advantage of this wedding in order to take me.

...I'll have to talk to my grandparents.

Joseph's pov
Me and Christina split up a few months ago after she had our baby.

It was a girl, and yes I did get Christina pregnant even though that wasn't our agreement.

But now she's decided to leave me and took my daughter, Angelina.

She's fixing up a divorce though, it's sad that I have to go through all this right?

I still can't get over Sophie though, I know it's wrong but sometimes I stand outside her house just waiting to see her in one of the Windows.

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