chapter 20{John}

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I woke up when I heard glass shatter in the kitchen so I quickly got up and ran downstairs "Shit" I heard someone say.I peeked from the corner and saw Dave picking up pieces of glass from the floor and that's when I walked in "You scared me and made me think that someone broke into the house" I said as I started helping him pick up the glass "I'm sorry Sophie" was all he said.

"What's wrong Dave?" I asked "Nothing,listen I gotta go somewhere and I'll be back tomorrow" Dave said "Where are you going? and coming back tomorrow?!" I screamed."Yeah tomorrow and its about work" he said looking down which made it all look suspicious "Dave what's really going on" I asked.

"Just gotta work Sophie" he said "You called me Sophie" I said hurt "That's your name ain't it?" He said sarcastically which made me mad.He always called me sweetheart or love,what is up with his attitude today? "Fine have fun and I forgot to tell you that I'm also going out" I said "Where?" He asked "Personal,Dave" I said and left to get ready.

I didn't know where the hell was I going I just had to look pretty nice and while I was getting ready I heard my phone ring "Hello?" /\ "Is this Sophie Deyes?" Someone asked into the other line.

"Yes this is she who is this?" /\ "Sophie it's me John!" /\ "John!? Hey what's up?" /\ "I called to see how you were doing its been months" /\ "Yeah I'm fine uhh John?" /\ "Yeah?" /\ "How'd you get my number?" /\ "Oh I grabbed your boyfriends phone and found it,his contact name for you is beautiful haha" /\ "Oh,Did you see anything else?"

"No just yours why?" /\ "Because Dave which is my fiance is acting weird" /\ "Wait you're getting married!?" /\ "Yes" /\ "Wow he's lucky" /\ "Where are you?" /\ "Oh just visiting my sister in Canada"-"Canada!? I live in Canada!" /\ "Awesome what part of Canada though?" /\ "Toronto,Ontario" /\ "Thats where I am hey how would it be if I came over to your crib?" /\ "That would be awesome!"

"Alright so where does the beautiful lady live?".And I told him my address And that's when Dave came in "Who were you talking to" he asked "It's my business Dave" I said "Hey I'm allowed to know in order to protect you,now tell me who you were talking to" he ordered "Are you marrying me to protect me or are you with me because you love me?" I asked frustrated

"Sophie don't start" he said "You...You don't love me...." I stated "Of course I love you Sophie" he said "I don't care anymore anyways the weddings off!" I screamed "The weddings off?" He said "Yes you heard me it's over" I said crying "You're not cancelling the wedding Sophie" he said angry "I'm cancelling it Dave I don't want to do this anymore" I said

"YOU'RE GOING TO MARRY ME SOPHIE WHETER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT AND THATS FINAL!!" He yelled.I stayed quiet because I didn't know what he was capable of then after a while the phone rang "Hello?" I spoke

"Yes dear this is your next door neighbor Travis,I was just wondering if everything was okay because we heard screams coming from your house,are you okay?" He said and I was about to answer when Dave snatched the phone away "I'm sorry we're in the middle of a discussion we are sorry to bother you" Dave said

"Oh my I'm so sorry you keep doing what you're doing just keep it a bit low please" Travis said "Yes sir goodbye" Dave said and hanged up "ugh" I complained.We heard the doorbell ring and I ran to answer it when I opened the door I was surprised "John!!" I screamed "Sophie I missed you!" John said and carried me into a big hug.

"What is he doing here Sophie?" Dave asked pulling me away from John and behind him for 'protection'....."I invited him over because when you leave I'm going to be lonely so John here is going to be great company, goodbye Dave" I said and left with John.

"What's going on?" John asked "Tell you later just get in the car and drive to a nearby restaurant don't worry I'll pay" I whispered as I pushed him towards his car.

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