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We reached the house and wow was it a big house" is that it?" I asked"yes,honey"my mother replied "just for the three of us?"I asked again"yes why,you don't like it?"my dad answered"Yeah I do its just quite huge".The house was a three story house it was pretty with red bricks. The gate to the house opened revealing a small driveway just to fit at least 2 cars and a huge fence surrounding it and a small garage on the left.As soon as we parked I jumped out of the car and opened the fence door it was a wooden door which made it look more like home and when I opened it the first thing I saw was a huge garden it was beautiful and the entrance to the house was like the back door, beautiful doors with Windows touching the ceiling to the floor as we entered the first thing you saw was a kitchen table and further down was the kitchen it had nice cabinets and beautiful roses displayed around the counter and to the left there was a hallway with one door on the right I opened it.It was a cellar I turned on the light it looked kinda creepy I went down because well curiosity kicked in and saw a hole on the right as I went down I steeped inside seeing a little storage room with Windows the area kinda gave me goosebumps so I got out and kept going down to my left were washing machines after that I ran upstairs quickly thinking something or someone were behind me.I then encountered the living room it was nice it had Windows revealing the garden enough light to not actually turn on the lamps there was our old plasma and our couches and a coffee table that I thought my mom recently bought and picture frames of us.I then exited walking back to the hallway seeing this little room that led to the front entrance" how could I not notice we had an actual front door" I said to myself I then saw the stairs to the right I quickly sprinted till I reached the second floor with a door on the left.As soon as you reached the top I opened it seeing that it was my dad's office with his desk computer files I closed the door and continued on my exploring and right there was the bathroom it had a nice bathtub with a shower on the side I exited the bathroom not finding enough interest in it the there was some more stairs but before I went up there was another door I opened it and immediately knew it was my parents room finding their personal belongings,their bed and in front a huge window and my moms vanity.I looked out the window seeing a sunroof and looking down I saw the kitchen entrance" wow how could I not notice that" I murmured looking out to the garden and I left going up the other stairs and again another door I looked inside,this looked exactly the same as the one I'd just been and my mom walked in"this is going to be your new room sweetie hope you like it it's the biggest room in the house"she said" thanks I love it"I said" you'll love it even more once we finish decorating it"she said with excitement. I looked out the window again seeing the looked like most of our Windows were like this.I started unpacking but there was another bathroom and one more room I went to go see it but it was empty "what are we going to use this room for mom? " I asked" we thought it would be perfect for a guest room"she said" oh"I said and kept unpacking and thinking how tomorrow would be at my new school"so what school am I going to?"I asked her ,she was pulling out my walking dead t-shirt it had my favorite character from the show" Daryl" but well who wouldn't love him he was a total badass" we found a perfect high school that was near our house" she said excitedly" cool" I said and after that we spent hours decorating and unpacking and after that I was super tired,one because of the trip two because I'm probably still not used to this time I would be asleep by now so that's what I did.

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