chapter 37{Not again}

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I woke up and turned to Dave, who was still sleeping.So I took my chance and got up to head towards the wall.I fell to the ground alarming Dave " Love? " He asked.

" On the floor " I said raising my hand " What happened? " he asked now looking down at me " cyborg you say? " He said laughing and I just hit his shoulder " I would appreciate it if you would stop making fun of me " I said " Aww, I'm sorry " he hugged me.

" But, what where you doing up right now? " He asked " I was going to check on myself " I said not wanting to sound selfish " I understand, love you've only seen your daughter for a little while since you been here....go ahead " he said.

I nodded and left, her nursery was right by our room, like you'd turn to the right while you're exiting the room and it would just be right there.I looked into her crib and saw her awake " Morning beautiful " I said and picked her up.

She just was so cute, I headed towards the room and sat down on the bed " She's awake? " Dave asked " Yeah " I said.We kept playing with her till the sun came up " I think I'll go shower " I said " Alright...don't worry I'll get her some breakfast " he said.

After I got out, I heard some singing going on, so I was creeping up on them.They were downstairs, so I tried to be as quiet as possible and noticed Dave was singing {Only exception-Paramore}.He sang well.

" Haven't heard you sing in a long time " I said standing by the door now " Never really do it but Evangeline likes it " he said " Sophie I was talking to my parents while you were in the shower " he said " About? " I asked.

" My job....after your death, I quit my job " he said " Well, are you planning to get it back? Or.... " I began " No...actually I'm planning on being a teacher, again " he said " Oh " I didn't know what else to say " Does that sound like a good plan? " He asked.

" Uh, yeah it does " I said " Good because I start in 2 days " he said pointing at the calendar, which had written the day he was going to work " Sounds great " I said.I didn't know for sure but if it makes him happy then I'm in.I carried Evangeline into the living room " Dave? " I asked.

" Yeah " he replied " Can I go visit my parents? " I said " Yeah, go ahead " he answered " Okay, I'll be home later maybe " I reminded him " Alright " he said smiling at me.

He came closer to us and kissed Evangeline on the forehead and kissed me.I headed to the house and my mother answered the door " My baby!!!! " She yelled " And my grandbaby!! " She screamed carrying her " Wow, she's gotten bigger " she said making Evangeline laugh.

" Yeah, cyborg children grow faster than normal my brother " I explained.After a while of talking, I brought up Dave " Mom, Dave has a new job " I said " Really, in what? " She asked " A teacher....again " I said with a sigh " Why, don't you like the idea? " She asked.

" Yeah but....I don't know, guess I'm paranoid " I said " It's understandable....hey mija, do you think you can go to the grocery store? " she asked " Yeah, sure " I said " I'll stay here with Evangeline okay? " She said and I nodded.When I left...the road I was driving on was kinda deserted.

I felt like I was being followed and I looked out to my left, there was nothing but when I looked back to my right I found Joseph sitting right next to me.I immediately stopped the car " What the hell!! " I screamed " Did you miss me? " He asked.

" What do you want? " I asked annoyed " I came to tell you something that I know is true " he said with a smirk " What!? " I yelled " That you my love, might be pregnant....with my child " he laughed and touched my stomach.I pushed his hand away and looked at him disturbed.

" I highly doubt it " I said " Well, I highly know it " he said smirking.No I can't be pregnant again and especially not from Joseph....I have to tell Dave if we can go see the doctor...OH NO " BUT I'M A CYBORG NOW, I CAN'T BE PREGNANT AGAIN CAN I? " I asked.

" Well I mean, there is a possibility " he said and I instantly felt relieved.I have to make sure though.

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