chapter 2 [REUNITED]

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When awoke from my nap we were already half way too Canada I was nervous I imagined how it would look like probably huge buildings crowding all around Me, my thoughts then got interrupted by Christina" so why are you heading to Canada,dear?" She said" I'm going to start living there actually"I said"by yourself or are you going to meet your boyfriend there?" She asked"No actually I don't have a boyfriend and I'm actually meeting my parents there" I said" oh sorry about that then"she said"It's okay"I responded I then looked down at my phone 12:45pm wow four more hours to go."do you want some dear?"she asked me as she pointed at the cheesecake that was on a plate" no,thank you" I said politely.I was starting to get really tired and I fell asleep again.Four hours later the plane landed I was relieved kind of I still was nervous as I got off the plane I started searching for my parents after getting my luggage I spotted my mom applying red lipstick no doubt that lady loved her red lipstick I called out to her" Mom!" She didn't hear me so I called her out by her full name"Anna Dasver Deyes!!" She turned around then and gave me look she walked towards me almost running but she couldn't with those huge heels she had on she finally reached me and hugged me"Sophie my lovely daughter I missed you so muuch! But if you call me by my full name again I will dye your hair green while your sleeping" she laughed as she said this"Oh mother I love you and your humorous jokes"I said" where's dad?" I asked" your father is in the restroom I told him not to eat that leftover hot dog I left in the fridge for over 7 days but you know him always trying to prove everyone wrong"she laughed again and I smiled she walked me to a seat" I missed you so much, what did your aunt Diana tell you about the scarf I sent her"she said"well she said she loved then I saw her cat tearing it apart the next morning" I said" she always envied me, but anyways I'm so happy to see you"she said then we saw my dad walk out of the restroom he hugged me followed by a kiss on the forehead and saying he missed me" let's go" he said" you'll love our new house"and with that we left.

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