chapter 9 [WILL]

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Me and Leah were walking to the parking lot and then we saw Will with a bouquet of roses.He looked so cute standing there with those roses,I wonder who they're for?"Hello beautiful" he said and walked towards me.I looked back thinking the girl he was talking to was behind me but no one was there and he was talking to me,oh no I thought I can't do this,I might've liked him before but now I started to have feelings for Mr.Hathaway even though I know it's so wrong."Me?!"I asked surprised" who else is more beautiful than you?,sorry Leah it's not that I'm saying you're ugly or anything"he said and I saw Leah cross her arms across her chest"Oh,thank you,you didn't have to"I said as I took the roses."But what for?"I asked him"every boyfriend has to give their beautiful girlfriend roses"he said smiling.Oh no he thinks we're going out!"Will,I'm sorry why do you think we're going out?"I asked him"because the way you fought Cynthia for me,In other words I had to pick you I wanted to from the beginning"he said as he stroked my cheek"No,Will I think you might've token it the wrong way I just defended myself I'm sorry but I just don't feel the same way about you"I said and gave him back the roses"give them to some other girl who truly loves you"I said and smiled"No,I'm sorry for thinking you'd go out with me,excuse me!"he said and rushed off mad."Great I pissed him off"I said"Hey,it's not your fault you like Mr.smoochie-smooch or should I call him Mr.aah perfect body"Leah said laughing.I punched her lightly on the shoulder"alright text ya later!"I said and headed for the car.I saw Mr.Hathaway walking out of the school he glanced at my car and was heading over here so I just waited for him."May I say pick you up at 8?"he said" excuse me sir but I have a lousy homework packet someone gave me,someone with the letter H haha"I laughed"now move before people start getting suspicious"I said"alright tomorrow then"he said with a big grin"Okay,it's a date!"I said and drove off.When I got home I saw my mom chasing something around the house I figured because I saw her running back and forth in the Windows."Mom do we have rats?"I asked and heard her talking sweetly at something in the living room"you're so cute!"she exclaimed"in here!!"she screamed when she heard me.I walked in the living room only to see a little Maltese puppy in her arms"I got you a pet"she said and handed it over to me"Oh my god it's so cute!"I aid and held the dog in my arms"What do you want to name her?"she asked"hmmm how about Sina?"I said"Sina sounds perfect"she said"hi,sinnies!"I said in a tiny tone voice holding the dog up to my face"I put the bed and food,water bowl in the kitchen" my mom said"Okay thanks mom can she sleep in my room tonight?"I asked"sure as long as she doesn't leave any of her business up there"she said"don't worry I'm sure she's potty trained"I said and took her up to my room.For the next 6hours I spent looking at Sina playing around with a chew toy my mom bought her.I brought her up to my bed and laid her down next to me"Oh,Sina if only you knew Mr.Hathaway you'd fall in love with him too" and kissed her and fell asleep.The next morning I woke to the sound of Sina barking she was growling at the door so I got up and went to open the door to only find Will" wh....what the hell are you doing here!?"I asked him"only here to drive you to school"he said with a smirk on his face"thank you but it's fine I can drive myself"I said"Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed"he said"haha c'mon we're going to be late" I said and headed to the bathroom" alright I'll wait here for you"he said and plopped down on my bed I just smiled and went inside the bathroom.I put on a black blouse with a leather jacket and some black jeans and then I curled my hair and put on my regular makeup stuff and headed towards my room"please tell me why you don't feel the same way I do?"he asked as he looked me over"I'm sorry Will it's just..."I said not wanting him to know"because of what...who is he?"he asked immediately knowing it was because I liked someone else"I can't say but it's just.."I said not knowing what else to say"Well whoever he is he sure is lucky for someone like you liking him but answer me this..does he like you back?"he said"yes"I answered him"Oh,well are y'all going out?"he asked"I feel like I'm being interviewed plus it's none of your business Will! "I screamed at him"I just wanted to know because I like you Sophie I like you a lot you don't know how I am when I like someone a lot, I don't beg"he said and pinned me down on my bed and he lay on top of me"Will what the hell do you think you're doing let me go!"I screamed but I couldn't get him off me"shut up!"he said and covered my mouth and he started kissing my neck"stooop!!!!"I tried to scream but his hand didn't let me"you're so pretty Sophie you know that right?"he said and started ripping my blouse exposing my bra"get off her!"I heard someone scream and I immediately knew who it was.Mr.Hathaway....I watched as he pushed him off me and saw my dad punching Will in the face"Don't you ever touch my little girl again!!"he screamed and pushed him out the door followed by my mom leaving me and Mr.Hathaway alone in my room"'d you get here?"I asked him kinda scared from the incident that happened and my voice sounded cracky every time I cried I didn't realize I was crying until Mr.Hathaway wiped away my tears and hugged me to his chest"shhh it's okay"he said and rocked me back and forth"I thought I was too late but thankfully I wasnt"he said and I pushed away to look into his eyes"but you weren't thank you Dave thank you"I said"but how did you get in here?"I asked him"I sensed you were in danger and came as fast as I could and luckily as soon as I got here your parents and I heard you scream before I could come up with an excuse and we ran up here as fast as we could"he said"thank you I don't know what would've happened if you didn't sense anything"I said" I sensed it because you're my soul mate remember?"he said and then my parents walked in.I could see my dad was angry"did he hurt you?"he asked me"No,dad I'm fine"I said"Oh my baby I'm so glad you're okay,thank you sir for helping us but who are you?"my mom asked"Oh, I'm Dave Hathaway actually I'm Sophie's math teacher I just came by to have a talk with you guys about her grades but I guess came at the right time to help"he said and gave me a warming smile"well thank you Dave but I don't think it's a good time to talk about that right now I think you should go before school starts because our Sophie is still a bit shocked so she's absolutely not going to school today,do you have any work for her you can leave it for her to do here"my dad said"No problem Mr.Deyes but no I don't want to give her work I think she needs some rest so I guess I'll go,I'll see you tomorrow Ms.Sophie" Dave said"thank you bye,don't worry guys I'll walk him out"I said to my parents and walked out with Dave.we got to the gate and Dave gave me a quick kiss"I can't wait to see you tomorrow don't worry I'll make sure Will never hurts you anymore"he said and left"thank you"I whispered but inaudible for him to hear but here it came by surprise" you're welcome my love"he said and left.

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