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I woke up and all my back and my arms ached in pain,I turned and saw Dave rubbing alcohol on my wrists "ouuch" I said "Relax it'll go away,love" he said,I just rolled my eyes at him

"Shut up" I said "Look,I know what happened was really wrong but trust me Sophie it wasn't me,she forced me to kiss her,it wasn't me"he said "That's what they all say and what happens they do it again,gosh why am I so stupid!" I said and winced at the pain of the alcohol touching my cuts "No you're not,beautiful but....well maybe Just a little for choosing him" Rick said "You shut the hell up already!" Dave said to him.

"Let me go!" I said as I snatched my arm away "No,I can't let you leave like this, what will you tell your parents say?" Dave said "I don't know and at this point I don't care!" I screamed."Gosh,Sophie stop being so complicated!" Dave screamed "Me,I'm being complicated?!,you're the one that has kept from me what you really were!" I screamed "I'm leaving!!" I said as I got up and walked towards the door "IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR SOPHIE,YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET IT!" Dave screamed" Let her do what she wants!" Rick said "For once,I agree with Rick" I said and opened the door "THATS IT GET OUT RICK!" I heard Dave say "No,I'm staying here" Rick said.I saw Dave push Rick out and grab me by the arm and push me on the bed.

[Rick's point of view]
I heard something slam on the bed "Whoa,what the hell are you doing to her Dave!" I screamed knocking at the door and I heard him say "DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU'RE MINE AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE?!" I heard Dave scream"STOP LET ME GO YOU DUMBASS AND IM NO ONE'S PROPERTY!" Sophie screamed.I saw Eva walking upstairs towards me "You see what you cause you..." I said "What were you gonna say?!" she screamed "What,you deserve it,you always do this!" I screamed back "Whatever,what's going on?" she said putting her hands on her hips "I think my brother is going crazy and he's going to hit Sophie or even worse rape her!" I said and pounded on the door "Move!" Eva screamed and I obeyed.I saw as she started kicking holes on the door with her heels "Dang girl,what those heels made of?" I said in amazement but she ignored me and went inside but what we saw surprised us.Dave was only hugging Sophie and she was crying that was it. " She forgave me" he said and smiled at us "Stupid ass,you made me think he was raping her!" Eva screamed "Looked like he was" I said "Rape her?! Why would I do something like that?!" Dave said to both of us and Sophie looked at us questioningly " Sorry,thought you were going crazy bro" I said "That's it I'm leaving!" Eva said and walked away "Goodbye,whore" Sophie said and Eva turned around charging at her but I pushed her away "Aye,it's okay leave her alone and go back home Eva!" I said and she left.
5 months later....

It was the day of my graduation and Dave and me have been thinking of how we were going to tell my family that we are in love and that we've been going out since like the first week of school.

I couldn't stop thinking because I had a sharp pain in my stomach, probably because of all the seafood we had last night.I was barely going to say why my mom hadn't come in my room screaming for me to get up but I spoke to soon because when I looked up she was already peeking through my door all dressed up, she looked beautiful

"Darling,wake up" she said "Already up mommy" I said laughing man I'm growing up fast."Your dad and me are waiting for you to come downstairs, hurry up mija" she said and left.Wow a lot of things has happened this school year.

From me moving to Canada to meeting Leah my best friend, to meeting Dave and him introducing me to Rick and me finding out that they are cyborgs and Eva being my new guide and my friend/enemy sometimes she would be mean sometimes I'd think she was really nice.

To her and Rick being engaged but Rick is still technically my other soul mate but he has control over his feelings and to me and Dave spending a total of eight months together and Will moving schools and Cynthia eventually being from the schools popular chick to the schools biggest

Now me telling my parents that me and my teacher have been going out for the whole school year and he's definitely the person I want to be with the rest of my life.

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