chapter 34{She's evil}

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Dave's pov
I didn't know what to say to Rick's question, I was speechless " Dave, did you loose your tongue or something? " He asked " " I simply said " No? " He questioned " No I mean, I didn't loose my tongue " I said " Dave answer my damn question, why did you sleep with Eva? " He asked again.

" Because I thought I still had feelings for her but turns out I was wrong and stupid, I'm so sorry Rick " I apologized " You don't have to say sorry to me " he said pointing up " You should've been with Sophie on her last few days " he said.

" I miss her so bad, I can't even explain how I feel....I'm frustrated Rick I don't know what to do " I said gasping for air and tears falling down my face " You should've thought of that before you slept with my wife " he emphasized the word wife.

" But I gotta live for my little one, but I swear if Evangeline weren't here, I would've already killed myself Rick " I said looking at Evangeline, who was sound asleep " I live for her too, because I love Sophie " he said and I suddenly felt jealous.
" Hey don't try to take her away from me now too " I said " Shut up, Dave " he said laughing " Thanks Rick, for forgiving me " I said " I did it only for Evangeline " he said.We both looked at her....she was so adorable.

5 months later...
Dave's pov
Watching Evangeline grow up has been a real blessing, she's so much like her mother.

I just wish my love would've been here to see this beautiful little girl jump around with her little niece, yes Rick had another baby but he didn't get anyone pregnant, he just adopted a little girl too because he loved the idea of having another little girl in the house, for Evangeline to play with and her name is Lindsey Hathaway.

I had already told Sophie's parents about her death and they understood and I had to tell them that I was a cyborg and of course, it was hard to believe at first but then they had nothing else to do then believe me.And yeah they are devastated about theirs and my loss but we had to keep going on with life and now they have their 5 month old baby boy and they're trying hard to move on just like me and Evangeline.

I loved her so much and now she's really chubby and adorable.I forgot to mention that cyborgs grow up real quick like for example, Evangeline is 5 months old but she looks like a 7 month old baby already.

She turned and looked at me and gave me a cute little baby laugh and I bent down and gave her a kiss and I looked at the clock and figured it was time for us to go home " Alright it's getting late and it's time for me and Evangeline to go " I said to Rick.

" Alright man, be careful going back home, okay? " He said " Promise, I will get her home safe, of course " I said sarcastically.Keeping Evangeline safe is my number one priority " Evangeline, sweetheart time to go " I said as I picked her up.

" Dave, one more question " Rick said before I headed out the door " Yeah, go ahead " I said turning around " Did you guys ever find Sophie's corpse? " He asked and I remembered the next day we burried Sophie, I went to pay her a visit and her body was dug out of her grave but we have no idea who did it or where her body is.

" No, we still haven't " I replied coldly.I got to my car and placed Evangeline on her baby seat and started driving off and in the middle of driving back home, I felt like someone or something was watching us and I looked in the mirror and saw that Evangeline was fast asleep.

I had the urge to find out what it was but I couldn't risk leaving Evangeline at danger, so I turned around and headed for my family's house and I called my father " Hello? " He answered " Dad, can you guys watch Evangeline for me tonight? " I said.

" Of course but why? " He asked worried " Because, I feel like something or someone is following us right now... " I explained " Oh, okay " he said " And I don't want her in danger " I said and hanged up and went a little faster.

When I got there, I carried Evangeline into the nursery we had for her ever since she was born " I'll be back alright, take good care if her " I said to my mother and the rest of my family and headed out and ran into the woods.

Sophie's pov
I don't really do these things but Joseph told me it was what I had to do.I kept following Dave and then all of a sudden he turned his car and headed from where he came from.

After he reached a house, I kept my distance and saw that he was a carrying a child, probably his little girl.When he came back out he ran straight to where I was standing and soon enough I started running away and he finally saw me and yelled.

" Hey you, wait!!! " He screamed and I ran faster.It wasn't until I tripped on a tree branch and fell...great just what a cyborg would do.So I freaked out and started to fight him.We kept fighting for a long time until I got tired and faced him, he looked confused.

" Sophie!? " He asked so surprised " the hell do you know my name! " I asked not loosing my guard " It's me Dave, love....your husband " he said " Husband? only husband is Joseph Chandler " I spoke loudly.

" What!?....No, Sophie he brainwashed you...listen me and you fell in love while you were in high school, I was your teacher and you were my student Sophie, while you were still human, and I was the one who turned you into a cyborg....Joseph is my enemie....look let me explain, you and me got married and we had a baby, a beautiful baby girl...please believe me " he said while putting his hands together like he was praying.

I thought about it but everything was a blur " No, I don't believe you but I'm here to kill you so...get ready " I said getting ready to fight him again.But I was knocked out.

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