chapter 18{Proposal}

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We woke up to my mother screaming at my dad and i fell out. Of the bed "Whoa,sweetheart are you alright?!" Dave screamed and I got up "Yeah,guess I was startled by my mother's screaming" I said laughing "Okay c'mon let's go,we woke up late" he said looking at the time.

We only had an hour till the plane left.We were off to Ireland now "Can't believe we made it" I said "I know, if it wasn't for your mom screaming" Dave said laughing "Yeah,thanks for planning this trip,Dave" I said "Whoa,you just called me by my name" Dave said surprised.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked."I'm used to you calling me honey or sweetheart" Dave said "Oh sorry sweetheart" I said sarcastically and he started kissing me "Get your lips off my princess Hathaway." My dad said "Yes sir" Dave said.

I fell asleep again.When we got to Cork almost all my family was there and I kept hugging all of them and started crying "I missed you guys!!!" I said "We did too toffe" my aunt said "Awww" I said and started crying again.

After that we went to my aunts house and we all started sharing our stories from our 2years we've been apart and we ate a lot and settled in.Its so unbelievable that so many people can be in that one house.

3 weeks later...

We went to the beach and when we got back Dave told me to go to the store to buy a nice dress and come back wearing it.I didn't ask why I just did it and when I came back it looked like nobody was home but I saw candles inside the living room so I walked towards it and then I was surprised by my family members sitting around rose pedals shaped like a heart and then I saw Dave.

"What's going on?" I asked .Dave then kneeled down on one knee and pulled out a tiny black box and revealed a diamond ring "Oh my gosh!" I said and started tearing up "Sophie Deyes will you do me the honor in being my lovely wife?" Dave asked.I didn't speak and I could tell everyone was anxious for my answer,I never thought this day would come and I couldn't believe it.

"YES" I screamed and everyone started clapping and crying and Dave picked me up and kissed me passionately. This has been the best experience!

Dave and I decided to take a walk to the beach and midway I asked him "Dave,when are we going to get married?"....."I want you to be my wife by next month" he said "Next month?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah next month,why is it too fast" he said "A bit" I said "Well,when do you want to be officially mine?" He asked "Give me about 2 months please?" I begged "Alright but no longer okay?" He said "Alright!" I said and literally jumped on him knocking him down onto the sand.

"Kiss me" I said and we didn't break apart for a long time.I finally broke our kiss "Sorry I got sand all over your back" I apologized "Its alright,it was worth it" he said.

Back at home...
"We have to help her with the dress and the table and the party and where the ceremony is going to take place and-" I cut off my cousin Erika "How are you suddenly more interested in my wedding more than me?" I said putting my hands on my hips."I get obsessed with these things,by the way when's the wedding?" Erika asked "Two months to be exact" Dave answered for me" Yeah....two months" I said but in my head I whispered to myself

I'm marrying a cyborg...

Authors note just wanted to say that in Houston,Texas they are celebrating SELENA'S birthday and no,not selena Gomez its SELENA QUINTANILLA SO...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SELENA!!!

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