chapter 5 [THE MEETING]

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We were walking close to the class when Leah said"Hey let's go get something from my locker"she said"I'm going to be late"I told her"our lockers are right in front of the class c'mon let's go"she said" okay"I said and she was right Mr.Hathaway's was right in front of his class.We were at her locker and mine was beside hers and I suddenly got the strange feeling someone was watching me,I turned around only to see Mr.Hathaway looking straight at me with strange eyes.I thought it was nothing serious maybe he was just spacing out but as he found out I noticed him staring at me he turned away immediately, I just shook my head and left Leah" where you going?"she asked"to class"I said" okay,later"and she turned around and left.I walked towards Mr.Hathaway,as he saw me his eyes widen" Hello you must be Mr.Hathaway ,I'm one of your students" I said politely as I held out my hand towards him"you are?!"he asked in surprise. This was weird to me it should've been the opposite way.He shook my hand firmly and took a long time to let go, I finally pulled my hand away and went inside his classroom. From the glass window I could see him still staring at me smiling.what the hell's with him?! I thought ,after that weird meeting class started he made us take a quiz of what we know from last year and a couple times I'd look up and catch him staring at me.I suddenly felt really uncomfortable and I couldn't wait to get out of his class.soon the bell rang and we were packing up to leave when he called me by my name. How did he know? .... I got next to his desk and he said" Hello Sophie,Sorry for my staring but I was just trying to figure out where I knew you from"he said"I don't think we've met I just moved here from Ireland so..."I said"I'm sorry what?"he asked"I sai-"I was cutoff by him"Oh no sorry it's just you looked like someone I used to know in the past"he said"Oh okay nice meeting you sir I gotta get to class"I said immediately wanting to get outta there so bad. "Okay I'll see you tomorrow Sophia" he said in a deep voice"ookay" I said. As I walked out I felt chills run down my spine and finally the moment I've been waiting for had come we were going home and I couldn't wait to get actually inside"How was your day mija? "My mother asked as I got inside the house"it was cool I met a new friend her name is Leah" I said"that's wonderful did your teachers like you?"as she said this I remembered the weird confrontation with Mr.Hathaway,I responded saying"Yeah especially one,I think""what do you mean? "She asked curious"It's just my math teacher he seemed really' happy'to meet me"I ignored the whole staring thing that happened"Oh that's good maybe he thought you were really nice"she said" actually mom I had to talk to him"I said"oh weird, don't do anything illegal" my mom said suddenly angry"eww no mom I wont"I said"hmm okay" she responded. I quickly went upstairs and started doing my homework when my dad came in"Hey honey,want something to eat?"he asked me"no thanks dad I'll just grab a granola bar,that should do it for the night"I said"sweetheart,please don't tell me you are looking forward to being a model anymore"he said concerned"dad I'm always going to want to be a model but I'm not going to fall into anorexia,not again I promise" I smiled at him" okay I'm bringing you a sandwich and some bacon"he said"Thanks dad"I got up and hugged him,he hugged me back and I went back to doing my homework,after I ate I fell asleep.I woke up the next morning grabbing the toast my mom made me with a fruit salad and I went towards my car and got my behind to school and went to first period,again sitting next to Leah"good morning" she said"Hey Leah"I told her"hey I've been meaning to ask you if you wanted to go the diner with me and some other friends,I bet they'll like you"she said"sure let me ask my mom if I can go"I told her"okay"she said and class started.The day skipped to lunch"Sophie over here!"Leah called to me again"Hi"I waved to the people sitting in the table with her"come sit"one of the boys said"Thanks I told him"I'm Michael" he said" hi Michael" I said" I'm Jessica" another girl said to me"hi jessica"I said"call me jess"she said"I'm Will" another guy said"hi"I said"alright these are the people were going to the diner with" Leah said"when did I say I could go?"I told her"Sorry"she said and I started talking to everyone else.3rd period came I really didn't feel like going but I couldn't skip my second day of school.I saw Mr.Hathaway smiling at me from a distance" he kinda creeps me out"I told Leah"why?What he do?"she asked me"stare at me most of the time,smile creepily"I told her"Sophie you have a big imagination" she said laughing" I'm not kidding"I told her and we finally stood infront of Mr.Hathaway.All three of us turned around quickly when we heard screams coming from down the hall.

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