chapter 15[VACATION PT1]

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"Sweetheart wake up!" I heard Dave yell. I slowly opened my eyes,the room was still dark and I saw the bathroom light on and the door open that's when I saw Dave with a towel wrapped around his waist and he was brushing his teeth,God he looked sexy.

I smiled "You look sexy this morning,mind if I have a tour?" I said "I'd love to but we're going to be late for our flight" he said and I frowned "Alright" I said as I got up.When I got up,my legs felt weak and I fell to the floor,Dave came running to my side "Are you okay love?" He asked

"Yeah I guess it's because I got up too quick" I said laughing "Alright c'mon" he said leading me towards the bathroom "Mind if I take a shower...infront of you?" I said playfully "No,go ahead" was all he said.I frowned because I thought he had gotten my dirty joke "If..I can take it with you" he said and I smiled.

We took a shower together and when we got out we headed out the door and left.Before we got to the airport Dave decided that we go to the grocery store to buy some snacks "Alright so what do we need?" Dave asked "Hmm we definitely need gummy bears and cheetos" I said "Alright let's go,we got half an hour" he said.

As I was grabbing a bag of cheetos someone else's hand was grabbing it from the other side,I looked to see who was on the other side and guess who it was....Will. "Will?" I asked surprised and when Dave heard me he immediately went to my side "Hey Sophie,Mr.Hathaway what are you doing here...with Sophie?" Will asked. "Sophie is my girlfriend, Will" Dave said calmly

"Girlfriend?! I didn't know you liked older men and well I didn't expect you to be going out with our teacher" Will said "Yes we are dating and he's not our teacher anymore and I only like gentlemen not rapists" I spat "Whoa I'm sorry about that Sophie be honest I still like you" Will said. "Well you better back off because she's mine you piece of!!-" Dave was screaming but I cut him off "Dave calm down" I said rubbing his back because people were staring at us now.

"C'mon let's go now,love" Dave said taking my hand and giving Will a dirty look. We got out and went to the car with our snacks "You didn't have to yell" I said to Dave "Well he didn't have to get too close to you,Sophie" he said "Thank you though, your jealousy shows me you care" I said "Glad you know" he said and kissed me and we left.

When we got there,we were just in time for our flight and when we were on our seats I started getting real tired "Go to sleep love,we got a long way to go" Dave said and I let my head fall on his shoulder.

I woke up to the sound of screaming "What happened?!" I asked Dave scared "I don't know,hold on" he said and he got up. "Looks like a woman is about to give birth" Dave said "What oh my God,lets go help!" I said to Dave."I think they're handling it,thankfully there were some paramedics on board as well" Dave said

"Oh,good" I said."GET HIM OUT!!!!" we heard the woman scream "Geez sounds like it hurts" I said "Sure does" Dave said.We kept hearing the screams for about 3 hours,when we finally heard a baby cry "Aww" everyone on the plane said,so did I."So that's how humans have babies?" Dave asked "Yes" I said to him and I continued to sleep on his shoulder

"Good thing that's never going to happen to us..." I heard him say before I fell asleep.When I awoke it was almost sunset "We're here love" Dave said "Whoa,did I sleep for almost a whole day?!" I asked surprised "Pretty much,you look very beautiful when you sleep" Dave said

"Ugh,creepy liar" I said laughing "Call me your sexy stalker" he said winking at me "Shut up" I said and we got off.When we got to our hotel it was beautiful but we ate quick and fell straight to sleep.

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