chapter 48{HOMECOMING}

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Sophie's pov
We were getting ready to go home when Rick and Eva came in "How are they?" She asked Dave "They sleep a lot" he laughed.

"They're babies Dave, that's what they do.." she whispered. Rick walked up to my side "We're gonna help you guys get home safe" he whispered and smiled at me.

I smiled back. Dave led me to the bathroom to change "I'll help you" he said. I finally got done changing, I turned looking at my stomach from the side "I'm huge!" I said shockingly.

Dave had a disapproving look on his face "You'll loose, it's not even been a whole day since you gave birth!" He said.

I half smiled at myself "You're right...I'm so selfish, I mean I have a family to take care of...and I've lived my dream for two years already....time to let go" I whispered.

Dave looked down "Well you're right about that but you'll be happier working somewhere else where you don't torment yourself about your looks nor weight" he said gently.

I agreed, I do feel bad for those girls who are still models that I worked with. I smiled and walked out slowly "Alright guys, we're ready" I said gently.

We all walked out and into the car. Eva started crying halfway to the house "What's wrong babe?" Rick asked "Rick...would you like to have more kids?" She asked "Uhh.." Rick stuttered.

Eva stared "No?" she asked serious now "I...think we have enough Eva, I mean five kids" he showed five finger "It's too many..." he said scared, looking away.

Eva just looked out the window "Babe I'm sorry...okay we'll have as many kids as you want, just please don't cry" he begged.

Eva smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him....but when she was close to his face, she slapped him "You think just because you said that, I'll be happy!?" She said furiously.

Rick was shocked at this "I'm sorry" he whispered and turned around. Eva continued crying till we got home.

Dave and I got the babies settled in and went back downstairs only to see Eva and Rick making out on our couch.

I got angry "Guys, seriously!!" I yelled "Oh, Sophie..Dave, we're sorry" Rick said getting up. I just rolled my eyes while Dave nodded his head and went to the kitchen.

That night Dave and I were pretty exhausted. We layed down on the bed "Man my back hurts" Dave complained. I got up and went to the restroom.

I decided to stay in the bed because my stitches might come off "I think you need to rest most of all" he whispered and hugged me till I fell asleep.

5 months later...
I got up real quick because I heard one of the babies cry. I opened the door and saw Jade crying hysterically "It's okay sweetie, momas got you" I whispered and made her go back to sleep.

I set her down again and went to take a quick shower. When I came out I saw Dave had made the bed, I walked towards the babies nursery and saw none of them. Guess they're downstairs.

I walked downstairs only to see food on the table and the kids hypnotized by the cartoons on the tv. I hugged Dave "Thank you" I smiled.

He kissed the side of my head "Welcome, love" he said "I just thought I'd give you a day off today" he laughed and held out a chair for me.

I sat down and stared at the perfectly shaped pancakes " can cook" I joked "Yeah thanks, try them!" He insisted.

I held the piece away from my face studying it...I placed it in my mouth.

Mr.HathawayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz