chapter 21{Old enemie}

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Dave's pov
When Sophie left with John i felt like she actually liked him back,I could tell he really likes her but I'm just afraid that she might change her mind about marrying me and i can't believe she would think that i don't love her if she only knew that i can't live without her anymore...I'd die if she rejected me at the altar.

If only she knew what i was going to do,I had to go meet my enemy Joseph,I know he's after Sophie,I just don't know what he's planning.

I just hope he doesn't harm her and that's why I have to meet him at the Sinclair's restaurant but i don't know if I should go after Sophie or Joseph....

Sophie's pov
"Where exactly are we going?" John asked "Do you wanna go eat?" I asked "Sure but where?" He asked "How about Sinclair's restaurant?" I suggested "Sinclair's restaurant?" He said confused.

"They have the best pasta" I said "Sinclair's...that kinda sounds familiar" he said "Well the owner's name is Sapphire Sinclair she's married to the billionaire Sebastian Sinclair" i said.

He stopped the car in shock "WHAT!?" I screamed scared that we almost hit the van infront of us "Sapphire and Sebastian!?" He exclaimed "Yes why do you know them!?" I kept yelling.

"Okay a long time ago i met this girl back in Italy and her name is Sapphire which is the owner of that restaurant anyways she was one of my close friends and well i haven't seen her in a long time that's all,it took me by surprise" he said.

"Let me guess,long story?" I said raising my right eyebrow "Yeah maybe someday I'll tell you the whole story of what happened to Sapphire Abernathy and Sebastian Sinclair" he said.

"Sounds real interesting but yeah someday you can tell me" I said.When we got there the hostess sat us a table not far from the corner,I always liked this restaurant it was always the fanciest and expensive place you could go to but its probably because their owners are billionaires.

I turned to look at John who looked so pale so i followed his gaze towards Sapphire Sinclair.

She had long brunette curly hair and she has a body just like an hourglass,she was wearing a plain blue dress with wing eyeliner and dark red lipstick and her perfect jawline.

Not to mention her boob job because her actual boobs were flat but they were still nice....I mean not that I cared and coming from the office was her husband Sebastian.

Like always he was wearing his tuxedo with red tie and his long brown hair pulled into a ponytail and his muscular jawline.When we saw some lady point at our table we both froze.

"What should i say?" John whispered shaking my arm fiercely "Nothing maybe they won't even recognize you,relax" i tried to calm him down.They reached our table "Hello Sophie! Welcome back" Sapphire said hugging me.

"Hey Sapphire" I said "Hello Ms.Deyes" Sebastian said shaking my hand and that's when Sapphire turned to John."Hello...JOHN!!!??" Sapphire screamed that the whole restaurant turned to our table.

You could tell she squeezed the heck out of John and so did he."Jonathan?" Was all Sebastian said "Yeah Sebastian" he said and then Sebastian went to go hug John.After a while of all of us talking Sapphire excused herself to go greet some customers.

I was surprised that I saw Dave with another man "Dave?" I asked "Sophie?" He said back "Aww look the happy fiance's finally reunited" Sapphire said "How'd you know I'd be coming here?" He asked.

"As if i knew you were coming here!" I screamed which made Sebastian and John come to my side "Is everything alright Sophie?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes It's just she's excited to see me nothing serious but can i please talk to my fiance in private?" Dave said to all of them,even the man who came along with him went to our table and Dave led me outside.

"Look i'm sorry I was rude in the morning but i was really frustrated" he started explaining "Dave I get frustrated sometimes too but i think twice before taking it out on you and you know why because I did fall in love with you" i said.

"But I do love you Sophie I'm sorry if you thought I didn't" he said giving me a kiss.Then he told me who was that man he came in with and that his name was Joseph and that he was

"We should go back inside and I'll let John drive you back home then me and Sebastian can talk to him" he said "Wait Sebastian knows what's going on?" I asked surprised he would be involved with this.

"Yes and well for Sapphire and their baby to be safe,I think it should be best if Sapphire went home with you guys" he said "Wait a baby!?" I whispered.

"Yes they don't know it yet but Sapphire is pregnant,I know because when i scanned her right now there wasn't only one heartbeat but two heartbeats which was from her and the baby" he said and i got sad.

"What's wrong?" He asked "It's just she's lucky she can be pregnant without worrying that she might die at the end" I said tears coming out of my eyes "I know me too,how I wish we could have a normal relationship" he said and hugged me.

"We should go back" he said as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist "Okay" i said finally.After 3 hours of talking John,Sapphire, and me decided we'd go to our house.

Dave's pov
We started talking to Joseph "What exactly are you planning?" Sebastian asked first "Nothing...yet" Joseph said with a stupid smirk "Who are you after then?" I asked.

"You know exactly what i want Dave" he said "Make yourself clear" Sebastian said "Alright I'm after his soon to be wife,Sophie" Joseph said pointing at me "You better stay away from her,you prick" i said threatening him.

"What do you want from her?" Sebastian asked ignoring my anger "Well for one thing she's a human and she can give me,you know kids and i know she'd be a great wife especially when she turns against you Dave" he said.
2 months later......

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