chapter 6 [HELPING OUT]

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We all quickly turned around and saw two girls fighting in the hallway. I quickly rushed towards them and saw that Mr.Hathaway was right behind me,I pushed past a crowd and finally got to the scene I quickly grabbed the girl that was on top she had blonde hair and it was everywhere. I launched her backwards and she got up and went back to the other girl.I felt a horrible pain in my jaw, I've been punched but I didn't care,I grabbed the girl and pushed her again this time landing on top of her" CALM DOWN"I screamed at her,she responded by sighing.I turned back and saw Mr.Hathaway taking the other girl to the office"get up"I told her and she held out her hand for me to pick her up"Okay,everyone,the fights over you can leave now"I said to everyone and I was surprised that they all listened"you're bleeding"the girl said.I touched the bottom of my jaw and saw blood but it wasn't from there it was coming from my mouth and seeing all the blood knocked me out......

I woke up in a hospital bed, it was the nurses office and I looked around and saw Mr.Hathaway on a chair I jumped in the bed because I didn't think' he' would be there"sshh, it's okay"he whispered as he hugged my head close to his chest.I pushed him away"What are you doing?,What happened? "I asked" I'm just comforting you and you lost a lot of blood I guess you bit your tongue" he said" I DID?!"I exclaimed. I quickly checked if my tongue was still there.luckily it was.Mr.Hathaway grabbed my hand" I have something to tell you Sophie" he said"What's going on,the first day when I met you,you were weird"I told him"that's what I'm going to explain""listen Sophie I'm in love with you"my eyes widen and I yanked my hand back"don't think I'm some Kind of pervert, it's not that it's just I....know. .when I have my soul mate close and I knew you were the one and you are because I hear it inside of you, Your my soul mate Sophie. .."he said".....What are you talking about we just met and you're MY TEACHER!"I screamed"I'm just a teacher so I could find you that's why im'Mr.Hathaway' "he said"'re not Mr.Hathaway? "I asked"yes I am my name's Dave Hathaway" he said"What did you mean when you said you could hear it inside of me?"I asked him"It's hard to explain you'll understand later on,its like a melody that I never get tired of listening to. "He told me"..what... you sound crazy!"I told him"and this is illegal! "I said"Sophie it won't be for long, I mean you're almost 18 look all I can tell you right now is that, me and you belong together' forever'"he whispered the word into my ear"this is twilight bullshit! "I said"Sophie! "He said" and excuse me for my language but what the hell does all this mean,everything you told me?"I asked him so angrily" Sophie just trust me okay ,with the time you'll start loving me too"he said"wait how old are you?"I asked thinking he was a pedophile" 34"he said"What the heck Mr.Hathaway" I screamed at him"you can call me Dave" Dave said" shoot,your parents are coming I gotta go bye Sophie. Sophie" he whispered and he left .5minutes later my parents walked in .how did he know?."mijaaa" my mom screamed as she ran to hug me"my sweetheart"my dad said as he took my hand"for a second I thought you were the one that got into the fight but you only broke it up thank god"mom said"Thanks mom,so um let's go home,I'm tired it's been such a dayy" I told them both"Okay, careful" my dad said as he helped me out the bed.I just Noticed I twisted my ankle too.WHAT A DAY I thought.

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