chapter 28{Dying}

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Dave's pov...
I was waiting impatiently "Dave I don't think this pregnancy will turn out well" my cousin Ruby said "Don't say that Ruby I can't loose her I love her so much...I can't be without her anymore" I pondered.

"Have you noticed anything changing in her for these past 3 months?" She asked.Now that I come to think of it I have noticed her face getting a bit paler....and her hands getting a bit it can't be.

"I thought she was just loosing weight" I cried "Then it is one of those pregnancies...I'm so sorry Dave we know how much you love her" Ruby said while patting my back...what am I going to do?

I turned back to Ruby "What can we do to save her..I don't want to loose her" I begged "The only thing you can do is.....interrupt the pregnancy" she said "Fuck I can't she wants this baby so damn much and so do I!!" I yelled.......Fuck fuck what do I do!

Sophie's pov
When I woke up I heard Angeline and Calvin talking "What do we tell Dave" he said "We have to tell him but what do we tell her?" She said "We just tell her that's it we can't keep it from her" he said.

"Oh really so we're just going to tell her 'hey once you give birth you're going to die and yeah you're going to feel like shit these last months you have left' " she said sarcastically.

"We have to find out a calm way to tell her" he said but that's when woke up with tears in my eyes.I sat up on the bed and they turned to look at me "I'm.....going to die?" I asked scared.

After a while I calmed down and we finally exited the room and that's when I saw Dave "Everything turned out fine,right?" He asked right away but by the look on our faces he could tell.....

"I won't make it Dave..." I whispered and we both cried....

After 3 months I was six months pregnant and I was getting weaker and I looked like I haven't slept in days and I was just like a skeleton but my stomach was real huge now and I knew what I was having,it was a girl and the Hathaway's held me hostage ever since that day,I better enjoy these last few months with Dave......and our baby death.

Mr.HathawayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora