chapter 23{The wedding}

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As me and my father walked down the aisle,I saw my little cousin's walking in front of us.I saw friends and family members crying and smiling at me and the decorations were beautiful and as we were reaching the end I saw Dave smiling that I thought his lips hurt so bad as mine did from smiling and laughing a lot this morning.

Our ceremony took place at the beach of Sorrento,Italy because I loved the place so much Dave only wanted our ceremony to be at my favorite place.When we reached Dave my dad said.

"Not so fast,I may have let you date her easily but this...this i much more important to me,you treat my little girl bad and heck man I'll break your face and make you wish you never broke her this is the best i have to give....the treasure of my life....if she complains about'll complain about the pain me and my pals will give don't get scared,it's just a warning alright?" He said.

"Yes sir" Dave said.He finally put my hand in Dave's and the ceremony started.In the middle of the ceremony when the priest finally said "Any objections?" He said aloud.

"Wait!" we heard someone say and we all turned around and saw Joseph....of course "Sorry I'm late,haha you thought I was going to take Sophie away didn't you Dave? Don't worry i'm not planning on it....yet" Joseph said and sat down on the far end.

I just rolled my eyes and turned back to Dave who's eyes turned dark red but I tapped his arm in order for him to act normal before there were any suspicions "Sorry love!" He whispered.

"Was that your eyes?" the priest asked shocked "Must have been the light because I didn't see anything" I interrupted "Very well,lets begin" the priest said."I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs.Hathaway" the priest said and Dave and I shared a passionate kiss.

"Finally you're completely mine" Dave said lifting me up while laughing. "You're really happy aren't you?" I asked "Why wouldn't I be,love?" he asked "You should be in love,happy and excited just like me" I said.

"That too" he said laughing.Then Joseph started clapping and smiling "Good luck Dave and as for you Sophie I'll see you later" Joseph said and winked at me. "Ignore him,love" Dave said and kissed me again.I was now Mrs.Hathaway....

Please play the song it goes with the scene..thanks

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