Chapter 34: Just Breathe

Start from the beginning

"I'm doing great. Today I'm getting my car back from the mechanic" she said happily. "Are you sure you're ready to get behind the wheel again" I said playfully. "Yep! Hopefully I don't get into another accident" she said lightly chucking.

"Well I gotta go pick up my car. Darrel and everyone else is downstairs in the basement" she said. "Okay bye Scarlet" I said smiling. "It was nice seeing you again Tuesday" she said and left. I close the front door behind me and open the basement door.

I was walking down the steps when I heard Darrel yelled "Scarlet I though you left already." When I got to the bottom of the staircase, everyone eyes were on me. They looked surprised to see me. Joey was the first one to snap out of the trance and engulf me in a hug.

"Tues we haven't seen you for the past week" he said hugging me tightly. "Yeah it's good to see you too Joey but could you let go of me. I can't breathe" I said light headed. He immediately let go of me and said "sorry." "It's okay" I said laughing.

Cole smiles at me and gave me a quick hug. "Tues" Charlie said jumping up and down. "Calm down Charlie you're making me dizzy" I said joking. "Yeah I had too much sugar today and I'm really hyper" she admitted. "It true! All day she kept bouncing off the walls" Ash said grinning.

"Hey!" Charlie said offended and playfully hitting Ash. Then Oliver said "Man it was boring here without you." "You Couldn't survive a week without me" I tease him. "No fricken way! I thought I was going to die of boredom" he said completely serious.

"Oliver don't be such a drama queen" I said laughing. "Yeah but he is right Tues. We missed you" Lola said genuinely. Darrel put his arm around my shoulder and said "So where have you been cupcake." Everyone turn their attention towards me and I sigh.

I guess I should tell them. "Well last week my dad died" I said bluntly. They all were stun and speechless. "Darrel you're such a idiot" Lola said slapping the back of his head. "Ow that hurt Lola and I'm so sorry cupcake" Darrel said sincerely.

"It's okay Darrel. I always known he was going to die sooner or later" I said nonchalantly. "Wait I'm confused?  How did you know he was going to die sooner or later" Darrel asked curiously. "He was diagnose with heart diseases and it was too late to treat it.

So the doctors told him he only had a year left to live" I said simply.  "So what are you going to do" Cole asked. "Well I need to find another job" I said hopelessly. "I could help you out" Ash said volunteering. "What do you mean?" I asked confused."

Do you remember my uncle. The one that got you the One Republic tickets" he said jogging my memory. "Yeah what about him" I asked. "Well he asked me if I wanted to work as a assistant for his record company. But I told him no because I didn't  want a job while I was in school.

But if you want I can call him and ask him if you could work there" he explain. My face lit up in a huge smile. "Really? Ash you would do that for me" I said. "Of course! You're my friend Tues" he said obviously. "I don't know what to say" I said a little uncertain.

"It's no problem Tues. I'm happy to help you" he said smiling at me. "Thanks Ash" I said greatfully. "Ok let me just call my uncle" he said.

While Ash was busy talking on the phone I heard a  knock on the door. "That's probably Milo" I said. "It's ok, I'll get the door" Cole said. He got up and walk upstairs. I was sitting there anxiously as I watch Ash talking to his uncle.

When Milo and Cole finally came downstairs, Milo took a seat next to me. I lean my headed on his shoulder. Even though it was only two in the afternoon I felt really tired. Ash finish talking with his uncle and I turn my attention towards him.

"He told me he would love for you to work with him. Also he said to come in tomorrow so he can show you the basic" he said. "Oh thanks Ash" I said hugging him. "It's no prob Tues" he said letting go of me. "What just happen" Milo asked confused.

"Ash got me a job working in the music industry" I said happily. "That's great" he said smiling. "Wait! what are you going to do about your old job" Charlie asked. "I didn't know you work" Cole said surprised.  "Well the past week I haven't been but yeah I do have a job" I reply.

"Really? You don't seem like the working type" Lola said. "What's that supposed to mean" I asked offended.  "No that's not what I meant. It's just that you alwa-" I interrupt Lola and said "I was kidding! I know what you mean." "What 's your job" Milo asked curiously.

"I work in a bar" I answer him. "Figures" he said rolling his eyes at me. "Really? you work in a bar. That has to be the sweetest job ever" Oliver said grinning. "Eh... well it's ok. Only when you have to deal with drunken idiots it becomes a little difficult" I said honestly.

"Isn't it illegal to work as a bartender. If you're only eighteen" Cole asked. "My dad is friends with the owner and he got me the job" I said. "But what if a cop comes in a bar, what would you do then?" Milo asked curiously. "Duh fake ID" I said simply.

"Seriously! how come you didn't get arrested yet" Milo said testing me. I roll my eyes at him and said to Charlie " I don't know. I might quit my old job or keep both." We were talking for a half an hour and then I decided to leave Darrel's house early because I felt very sleepy. 


Hey Guys! I hope your having a nice memorial weekend. The next chapter I'll upload on Friday and it's going to be surprising. Vote/comment/ fan =)

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