Conversing with the ice princess. (1/3)

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As Leo led Kenta towards the area where the ice princess, Aurora was awaiting his arrival. He leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"By the way, be careful not to say something that could potentially offend the ice princess. If someone offended, her they would be reduced to an ice statue in an instant."

Kenta sent Leo a side-long glance when hearing his stern warning.

"Is she really that scary? Everyone seems to hold her in high regards." Back during their lessons, he had saw the many passionate gazes they sent her way.

"Well yeah, her mother is the ice queen you know. She is very famous here in the temple of power. And as her daughter, many has high expectations for the ice princess as well." Leo replied.

"Oh, what kind of person Is the ice queen?" Kenta inquired curiously, for her to be so famous in the temple of power, the place that emphasize the most in strength, Kenta speculated she must be someone of exceptional abilities.

"The ice queen is not only famous in the temple of power but even outside organizations fear her, her ice magic is so strong that it was said it could easily freeze an entire city in an instant... All those who had faced her in the past never lived to tell the tales, some even believed there were very few individuals who could best her in a head on confrontation."

"... She can freeze an entire city. That's impressive, not that many mages can use magic at such a wide and ridiculous scale." Kenta mumbled, with slightly squinted eyes.

Considering how much magical energy would be needed for such a feat, Kenta seriously doubted there were that many mages capable of achieving such a thing.

"Ahaha... You are correct, some even called her the goddess of ice for her impressive mastery and control over the ice element." Leo chuckled as he responded. Kenta's eyes blinked repeatedly when he heard that, slightly, the corners of his lips trembled.

'The goddess of ice.... If only these mortals knew there is already a goddess of ice that exists in this world, she probably won't be happy being compared with a mortal.' Kenta thought internally.

After reading the ancient book, Lize had gave him, he had a general idea of most if not all the gods and goddesses. Some of their abilities, features and personalities.

The ice goddess was known to be cold, distant, and prideful. She was also one of the most dangerous goddesses for her eccentric, and unreasonable personality.

'Being put on the same boat as a mere mortal would definitely go against their haughty pride.'

{Hehe he... It would be amusing to see the look of her face, I bet master would be please~.} Julia's voice resounded.

{It would definitely be fun to see their pride gets stepped on, fufufu~} Morgana commented.

{Of course, seeing them all suffer is something I wish to see the most. The more they suffer, the more enjoyable it will be for me.} Julia chuckled pleasantly.

{Hehe he... Those gods who like to act like they are big shots will be thrown down by master soon enough, I can't wait for that day.} Morgana added.

{Sigh, you girls... Can't you see you are disturbing master.} Isla sighed as she reprimanded the two.

{Eh, Isla your no fun, we were brought back from the dead a few hours ago let us have fun.} Morgana complained.

{She's right! It's not like it won't happen eventually, you know.} Julia added, in a sullen tone.

Meanwhile, Kenta's face was twitching. He really wanted to complain, hearing so many voices talking inside his head one after another was really irritating.

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