Lightning manipulation

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Hearing the surprise voice of the inspector Kenta's emotionless face contorted into a confused one. The results of his magic power are twenty thousand, was that really something surprising? He didn't know. So, he became even more eager to know why that person was so surprised.

He didn't do any research about the amount of magic power a person usually has, so he was completely clueless in that criterion.

'I need more information.'

He thought, despite all the reading he did, he was still too lacking in knowledge when it comes to magic, that was to be expected though he did plenty of reading, he didn't have a teacher. There were also many things that was not written in books which explain about magic.

Usually, it should be impossible for a normal human to have magic power that goes over a thousand, that was because the human body is too fragile to endure the amount of magical power within the body, too much and the body could be infected with an illness called 'Magic overload' a deadly illness where the body would be weakens and would be at risk of exploding due to the intense amount of magical power within the body.

Once Kenta had stepped out of the machine, he went back through the door he came from, he went back towards the same receptionist standing behind the counter, seeing him she showed a gorgeous smile.

"You're back, how was the result? How high was your magic power?" She asks eagerly.

"Twenty thousand." He replied curtly.

"Ehh! T-twenty thousand, you say." A shock expression filled her face as she heard his answer.

'Hmm… she also seemed surprised too, just like that voice.'

"Excuse me, could you tell me why everyone is so surprised about that? I get that the number is high but, is it really something so amazing?" Kenta ask dubiously.

"Ye-yes of course it's amazing, the machine is able to check how much magic power a person has, since your number is so high, you must have quite a lot of magic power within you." She informed.

"I see, so that's why that voice was so surprised, do you know what the highest number a person has ever had?" Kenta inquired curiously.

"Hmm… the highest number, I believe that was five hundred. It was from a noble that had registered before you." She answered.

"I see… five hundred huh."

Kenta made a pensive expression while pondering. "Oh, could you tell me where I need to go too next." He asks.

"Right, you see that room over there, go inside and wait for your number to be call." She answered, giving Kenta a white card. Kenta accept the card; he narrowed his blue colored eyes and saw the number 10 written on the card.

"I see, thank you." He said Bowing his head, before walking towards the room he was told to go.

Inside another room a group of three were staring at the machine ratings before them, each of their expression showed a confused face.

"That boy has that much magic power." A man in white clothing sitting down said.

"No, that can't be, maybe the machine malfunction. We had this machine for a long time. Who knows, maybe it's starting to give random results." Another man wearing white clothing said sarcastically.

"I don't know, it has been working perfectly fine, and there had never been any complaints about it malfunctioning." A middle-aged man wearing white clothing said.

He brought out a cigarette and place it towards his mouth. "Besides… if the machine really was malfunctioning then we would have been immediately alerted." The man stated confidently.

'Whatever the case, to have that much magic power, it seems that boy has a lot of potential.' He thought.

Meanwhile inside a luxurious waiting room, there were several people waiting, Kenta seated himself on a vacant chair a fair distance away from the others who were also waiting, he then calmly observed the many other people who were also waiting inside.

Inside the waiting room mostly consists of teenagers and people who seems to be in their middle age, it was easy for Kenta to see that he was the youngest person within the room.

However, he didn't care too much about that and simply closed his eyes as he waited. "I can't believe my magic power is only fifty." A man said in a gloomy tone.

"Hahaha… only fifty? I got ninety." Another man said proudly. "I wonder what element I'm going to end up with."

"Me too, I heard fire is one of the strongest elements." "No earth is far more powerful." Kenta could easily hear the many conversations between the people inside the room.

But he chose to ignore them all. Soon the door opened drawing the attention of those present, Kenta also opened his eyes looking into the direction of the opened door, which revealed a chubby man standing proudly on his feet. He was the same man who bumped into Kenta at the entrance.

"Si-Sir Tony. Please have a good day." A man who was sitting suddenly said bowing his head, many of the others also bowed their head.

"Tony Harts, you mean the son of the president, of the trading company, one of the biggest organizations in this Kingdom!"

Another man suddenly exclaimed seeing the face of the man who had just stepped out of the room. Tony showed a satisfied face as he walked out the room. For a brief moment his gaze met with Kenta's cold blue eyes before he left.

'So, that guy was a noble huh, no wonder he was so arrogant.' Kenta thought as he once again closed his eyes, waiting for his number to be called.

"Number 8." The announcer said calling the next number.

After waiting for a few more minutes the announcer finally called the person with the number 10 written on their card.

Hearing his number Kenta opened his eyes, as he got up from his seat, and went inside a room. "Good day Sir, could you touch that orb over there?"

A middle-aged man wearing clothing of high quality said. Kenta nodded his head curtly before slowly walking towards a small crystal-clear orb which was 5 meters in diameter, placed on the table.

Kenta took deep breaths before placing his right hand on the orb. Suddenly the orb started shining in various colors.

Red, Blue, Brown, Green, and white. Kenta opened his eyes wide when he saw the color of the orb, the orb was painted in a bright violet color.

"Vi-violent, it's been a while since I had seen that color." The man said gazing at the orb.

"What does it mean, when it's violet?" Kenta Asked curiously. The man cleared his throat before speaking in a fluent tone.

"Those who have the color violet are said to be loved by lightning and thunder, lightning manipulation is another rare element, just above fire." The man explained.

"Hmm…. I see, so lightning is my element then, I thought it would be fire or water." Kenta said a bit disappointed.

Noticing this the man chuckled before speaking. "Don't worry I'm sure you won't be disappointed with the lightning element."

'My father was a fire user and mother were a water user, I thought I would get at least one of their elemental magic.' he thought before removing his hand from the orb. The man acting as the overseer nodded his head as he spoke.

"Now with this you have passed the test, we have checked your magical power, and your element. Now for the last test we shall test the strength of your magic."

"Hmm… test to measure our strength, you say." Kenta replied his curiosity was completely piqued.

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