Many are destined to fall!

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The location changed...

Within a world which was surrounded by nothing but dried up sand and dirt a lone man stood firmly onto his feet.

The man seems to be somewhere in his late sixties, his body was adorning with a black robe that fluttered with the strong winds.

His eyes were small, and if one were to stare at him from a distance it would seem as though his eyes were slightly closed.

A long white beard that oscillated along with the gentle wind.

The old man stood on a small circle like stage that would shine occasionally from the geometric Magic formation on the stone tiles. The stage was radiating with magical energy.

The man was one of the survivors of the last battle that was known as the most intense and overwhelming battle since the creation of the universe the "War of gods" They could have grasp victory if not for the appearance of the God slayer sword, many of the opposing gods who wish to usurp the throne were mercilessly slayed regardless of whether they were young or old, regardless of whether they were strong or weak.

All of them were killed!

When the god who comprehend the concept known as "Destruction" Was defeated many of the opposing gods scattered and dispersed as they went into hiding, for the last billions of years he had stood here in this unknown realm.

"... I see, so the god of death had managed to get his hands on the remnants energy left behind by the god of destruction." The old man muttered in a hoarse voice. Comprehending a concept wasn't easy, most of the time the gods were born directly to be the embodiment of whatever concepts they govern.

Only a few exceptional gods had ever managed to comprehend multiple concepts.

Concepts such as "Destruction" And "Creation" Were exceptionally more difficult to comprehend as they were universal laws that were extremely difficult to truly understand, just like how the concepts of "Life" And "Death" Wasn't something one could observe to completely understand.

However, if one were to study the energy of a certain concept then it was possible to comprehend them, though their abilities will be significantly weaker than comprehending them naturally as a concept.

"Soon, the start of the next great war will begin, it's only a matter of time." The old man muttered, as he turned his head to observe a certain place. What reflected in his slightly opened eyes was a strange creature, the creature resembled a wolf, its fur was pitch black in color, its eyes were a deep shade of red and it had large beastly sharp fangs.

The creature was a beast that was secretly raised by the "God of destruction" A beast he was planning on using as his trump card for the "War of gods" However, unfortunately he died before he could fully utilize it.

For the past billions of years, the old man carefully nurtured the beast like wolf from a small age. The wolf also has the concept of "Destruction", And its comprehension was even far greater than the god of destruction.

It was impossible for the beast to leave that isolated space since it wasn't able to suppress its aura of destruction. Wherever the energy spread all that awaits is destruction!

He didn't want to alert the other gods, after the "war of gods" The gods in the upper realm had been careful against any possible uprising, those who wish to usurp would be eliminated without mercy regardless of who they are once their intentions is known, the king of the gods the one who stood at the absolute top of the universe would not put up with any possible treason.

Even now the former high-ranking gods who had managed to survive that war were in hiding.

The old man who goes by the name, Bernard had to vigilantly watch his back.

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