Something interesting

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"..." Silence, the entire surroundings became deathly silent as the ten remaining knights looked at the fallen body of their leader. "W- why you, do you realize what you have done?" A knight standing at the back asked, as he looked at the knight's body with a shocked expression on his face.

"Hm, what I have done, isn't it obvious... I simply dispose of garbage." Camilia replied as though it was obvious. However, seeing how nonchalant she was being had only angered them even more.

"Tch, kill her! Be aware of her speed, attack from the rear!" The knight that was next in the position to lead ordered.

Soon, all ten of the remaining knights surrounded Camilia enclosing her in a circle formation leaving no room for escape but, "Hahahaha!" The knights all wore strange expressions as they saw Camilia laughing heartily despite her current situation.

"Th-this woman is she crazy?" A young knight holding a short sword asked, "Who knows she is brave enough to go against an entire country, so crazy is probably the best word that describes her." An older knight responded.

He was starting to feel anxious, even while being surrounded the woman before him didn't seem worried or scared, 'Just who is this woman?' He couldn't help but thought.

"I must say that little brat is definitely competent when it comes to training his knight squad, I can see each and every one of you here are well trained. However, as a king he is very incompetent... I remember the former king before he died, that old man was a wise king. He knew better not to provoke the wrong people even though he enjoyed wars and battle." Camilia said, in an eloquent tone.

A smile appeared on her face as she thought back to her meeting with the previous king. Honestly, she was quite fond of the old man, as a woman who also enjoyed wars and fighting strong opponent they got along well.

However, despite enjoying battles the old king knew the people he must never provoke, and Camilia was one of them. If he had openly sought wars against her the kingdom of Paullus would have definitely disappear long ago, there was an unspoken rule with all of the great nations. "Never provoke that demon of a woman!"

And so, seeing these knight openly choosing to oppose her, Camilia couldn't help but chuckle. "... I guess intelligence isn't guaranteed to be passed down to the next generations." She muttered to herself. "Tch, shut up!" The knight roared, hearing his king being insulted. He swung his sword diagonally towards her neck, intending to decapitate her!

However, Camilia casually caught the sword of the knight with her dominant hand, with a board face. "Guh." The knight tried exserting more strength into his sword but no matter how much he tried the blade of the sword didn't move an inch from her grasp.

Camilia had learnt the demon strengthening physique long ago, despite being a mortal, the physique gave her the physical strength of a demigod.

Realizing their leader was struggling the rest of the remaining knights all closed in at once swinging their swords. Sensing a sword coming from behind, Camilia promptly moved her free hand as a red beam of thin light shot outwards towards the knight aiming to stab her back, "Argh!" The red beam of light instantly pierces the heart of the knight.

While at the same time another knight closed in from her side, but Camilia grabbed the face of the leader who had tried to decapitate her moments ago. "Mmrgh!" With his face being grabbed he tried using his arms and legs to free himself but, against her physical strength it was impossible! Camilia used him as a human shield against the incoming blade of the knight on her right side. "Gah!" The sword of his subordinate pierce his chest as Camilia held his body in place.

"V-Vice captain!" Realizing what he had done the knight on the side began to panic. He quickly pulled out his sword from his commander's chest, "Ngh." The leader of the knight still in Camilia's grasp winced with pain from the blade being removed from his chest. "Mm, I think I'm done with this." She said as she held him by the neck, and with a small squeeze of her hand the sound of his bones breaking echoed.

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