An era long forgotten

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Beneath the ocean that separated the kingdom of Lucian and Malaysia. The seas stirred roughly as huge waved rose up and fell rhythmically. Along with occasional roars of sea beast.

Deep beneath the surface of the ocean four flashes of light could be seen moving at an impossible speed as they made their way towards the temple beneath the surface.

Alioth who had comprehended the universal law of space to its limits, could naturally freely manipulate the space and dimension around him and appear anywhere in the universe.

However, the forgotten ruins was the only exception. The space around the temple was completely sealed and distorted, making it impossible for him to use his universal law to appear inside the temple at will.

This was done so that no one could freely access the forgotten ruins. It was a precaution to prevent anyone from freeing the treasures that were locked inside.

Within mere seconds, the god of space, the goddess of life, the goddess of light and the sun goddess arrived at the entrance of the temple. Alioth furrowed his brow as he sensed lingering traces of energies in the air.

"As expected, someone really did enter the ruins." He said as he heaved a sigh. Although Isis's mood was still not in optimal condition she also furrowed her brow in concern.

"... Strange these energies. Whoever came here was a demigod while the other is..." The goddess of light, Theia mumbled beneath her breath. One of those energies felt familiar to her.

"It's someone from one of the four great clan, the clan of steller white." Isis commented. The clan of steller white all specialized in the concept of purification. Even though they couldn't truly used the universal law of light, their divinity had similar characteristic as the energy they used were known to be quite pure in nature.

Within the higher world they were the ones who kept the negative energies in check. However, during the war of God's they were believed to be wiped out leaving only the remaining three.

A dimensions filled with corrupt energy that existed on the other side of the upper world.

The one who currently delt with the corrupt energy is Alioth, the god of space.

With his manipulation of space he had already sealed off the space between the abyss and the upper world.

"For one of them to suddenly appear, and in this world no less... I can't help but wonder what their goal is." Sunna muttered to herself. Her deep crimson eyes stared deeply into the ruins as she tried to perceive its depths.

She felt something was off, the clan that was said to be destroyed all those years ago suddenly appeared and in this world no less...

'Were they in hiding all these time?' She wondered

"We will find out once we enter." Isis's voice resounded. She ignored the muttering of those present and went inside the ruins, from behind Alioth followed one step behind.

Theia said nothing and decided to follow behind Alioth, after heaving a deep breath Sunna also entered the ruins. As they continue to traverse through the long passageway of the dimly lit ruins the sun goddess, Sunna observed the carving on the surface of the walls.

There were old drawing there that seem to speak of a time long forgotten. The carvings on the surface of the walls showed destruction, structures of cities and buildings could be seen collapse as a raging inferno engulf the surroundings.

The carving also showed various gods who were brave enough to stand against the unknown young man that had suddenly appeared.

It was a battle that changed the universe. And had left nothing but wreckage, ruins and death in its wake. By far it was the most horrendous event to occur since the beginning of creation as many gods and goddesses died, losing their souls never to be reborn again.

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