Awakening of the ancient ones!

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As time passed the small almost imperceptible dent on the two statues become more and more apparent, that wasn't all!

The stone statues also began shaking as if whoever was inside was trying to break free! The statue of the man shook constantly as the body cracked.

The woman statue also shook slightly as more cracks appeared on the body. Eventually small bits of the statues crumbled downwards becoming dust that scattered everywhere!

Eventually all the dust fell from their bodies as the two statues slowly showed signed of life, the statue of the man or rather, the man who was once a statue eye lids slowly twitched as his finger made subtly movements.

The man had slightly long blonde hair that reaches his back, his skin was pale and dressed in an imposing armor that was painted with the purest gold.

His eyes which were closed for a very long time slowly opened, showing his beautiful green pupils.

"Ugh, how long have I been asleep?" He wondered, gazing at his surroundings.

As for the female, once all the dust fell from her beautiful curvy body was completely removed her violet Amathyst eyes slowly opened, she had long black hair that reaches just a little below her buttocks, her lips were painted with a deep shade of red.

She was dressed in a female style armor that looked like it was made from the purest silver.

".... This? What is happening? Why or how is it possible for us to be alive?" The black-haired woman asked, her expression showing confusion.

She didn't know how much time had passed since she was turned to stone but, she could still remember her last moments clearly, as though it had happened just recently. Well... considering the fact that she had been asleep since then the incident was still fresh and recent in her mind.

What she didn't understand was how is she alive right now, did her master survive? The possibility wasn't zero but, considering the fact that he was cornered by the gods and goddesses such a thing should be impossible, right?

She was created by the god of death and had a strong connection to his soul, it was or should have been impossible for her or her brother to survive without her master, they literally shared the same life! Her mind was filled with complicated thoughts as she tried to comprehend the situation but.

"Sigh, it's no good, seriously what is going on." The black-haired woman sighed.

"It seems were both confused in this situation, though, it's understandable. What's happening here should be impossible." The blonde-haired man said.

"Lincoln, how is it possible you can remain calm in this situation?" The black-haired woman asked, the blonde-haired man who goes by the name Lincoln shrugged his shoulders before pointing into a certain direction.

The black-haired woman subconsciously looked off into that direction and narrowed her violet eyes, it was incredibly difficult to see where he was pointing due to the darkness that had shrouded the surrounding, but the black-haired woman enhanced her vision using magic. Effectively increasing her perception.

"Thats?!" Once she had seen passed the murky darkness and saw what Lincoln was pointing at her eyes widened. Sitting on an extravagant throne was a skeleton that was covered with a robe she recognizes at a glance!

Once she saw that robe her fist clenched fiercely, a powerful killing intent suddenly erupted from her body. And for an instant it felt like the entire interior had shaken!

"Those bastards! I swear I will kill them!" Her voice was like it had come from the coldest parts of the world as not even a single warmth could be felt from it! Lincoln felt a shiver run down his spine when he heard the voice of his little sister.

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