Finding its location

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Meanwhile, in a certain location two figures hovered silently above the surface of the raging sea. "It should be somewhere around here if I'm not mistaken." The man wearing a black robe said as his hood hid the top portion of his face from view.

While on his left was a youth with slightly long silver hair that reaches his back.

"In order to open the box said to contain the lost treasures the key inside the temple is necessary. But, considering what's inside that place those guys must have gone through a lot to keep it hidden, right?" The silver-haired youth said.

"Indeed, you are correct. The artifact used to seal that troublesome god killer is also there. As much as I'd like to see those annoying gods run around like scared bunnies it would be a problem for us if that thing gets freed, after all that monster is considered unkillable even that God of death couldn't kill him after all."

"It's best not to go poking the hornet's nest." The hooded man said as he narrowed his eyes. And with a slight wave of his hand the raging seas down below moved and churned with such force that large waves rose up and splash everywhere!

The sea moved as though it had a will of its own and parted into two halves.

The hooded man along with the silver-haired youth walked through the center where the sea had left a narrowed passage.

"It should be somewhere around there if I'm not wrong." He spoke. But then...


A large serpent like creature suddenly jumped at them from the side. It opened up its large mouth and was about to swallow them. However, the silver-haired youth without so much as a glance he unsheathed the sword hidden within his robe and slash diagonally sideways.

The body of the serpent like creature was easily cut into two halves as its blood splattered everywhere. The lifeless body of the serpent fell to the ground with a thud as he sheathed his sword back to its scabbard.

"We should stay on our toes; it wouldn't be surprising if more of those annoying creatures attack again." The hooded man said as he sighed. Weak monsters were mostly unintelligent.

While there were some who were very intelligent, those were in the minority.

As the two continued on their path forward they were attacked by different kind of monsters living inside the sea as well as various sea beast but the two easily took care of them without problem.

After traversing a distance of approximately two hundred kilometers they came to a stop.

"Hm, there is a barrier here?" The silver-haired youth said as he touches the magical barrier blocking their path. "Yes, this was created by the goddess of magic. That woman's magic isn't to be underestimated. But with this tool I should be able to create a temporary path in the barrier." He said as he took out a small artifact. It was a dagger that had various runes carved onto the blade.

"Mm, that dagger has an absolute piercing rune carved onto its blade." The silver-haired youth said in surprise. That type of rune was extremely advance and difficult to draw.

There were many different kinds of runes and rank for each type.

However, runes that were considered invincible such as the 'indestructible' runes and the 'impenetrable' runes or the rune that impose complete 'destruction' were all of the highest rank and were hard to draw on object.

He was naturally surprised that a mere dagger could endure the pressure of such high-level rune. "This dagger was built from a very special material. If not for that then it would have been impossible for it to hold such a high-level rune." The hooded man said, shrugging his shoulder.

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