Meeting of gods (1/3)

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"... Well then shall we start this meeting?" A black-haired man asked as a faint smile adorned his handsome face. This man was the god of wind and despite his actual strength being below most of the gods and goddesses present here, he had a little more influence than most of them.

"... Yes, regarding the matter of the aura of death I think there are a few things that doesn't quite add up." A soft and melodious voice sounded as a woman with long green hair decorated with various flower embroidery suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned their eyes towards the owner of the voice, the "Goddess of nature" Flora, and kept their silence. Understanding the meaning behind their silence Flora once again opened her mouth.

"I mean... it's strange the Hendrix I knew would have attacked already for the sole purpose of getting revenge. Don't you think it's strange he hasn't done anything since a thousand years?"

A heavy silence suddenly filled the room as the gods and goddesses from both sides held their tongues with a troubled expression on their faces. Indeed, what Flora pointed out was precisely what they were struggling to understand.

Why hasn't he made a move yet, shouldn't he desire revenge for what happened to him?

They couldn't understand why the usual arrogant and hot-headed Hendrix would stay silent for so long without turning his fury against them...


Suddenly a handsome man with long waist length black hair slammed his arm against the table. "What are you talking about, isn't it obvious that bastard must have gotten weaker since his defeat and is slowly increasing his power while plotting ways to get back at the gods who had managed to stop his scheme!"

The god of darkness, Drake roared!

His black eyes which was as dark as the starless night sky that even with the lighting of the room it was impossible to see beyond the darkness. Some of the gods agreed with Drake's words, if Hendrix really had been weakened, then it would make sense why he doesn't want to show himself out in the open.

However, the "War goddess" Victoria furrowed her brow slightly as she frowned. "Impossible, Hendrix's soul was destroyed... can you explain how it is possible for someone to survive without a soul, Drake?"

"... Thats." Drake held his silence as he frowned. But then a smirk appeared on his face as he said not hiding his disdained.

"Maybe you guys were just too incompetent, if you had informed me about your plan then I would have killed that fucker myself!"

"You're just using your own grudge and hatred against Hendrix. That's precisely why we didn't involve you, knowing you, you would have allowed your own petty emotions to get the better of you and messed up."

Victoria's voice was as cold and indifferent as always, however, upon hearing the mockery and ridicule within them darkness gathered around Drakes body and swirled as though threatening to come out.

At the same time Victoria narrowed her indifferent eyes sharply as she held onto the hilt of her divine sword preparing to draw her blade at any moment.

"Victoria, you!" Drake's eyes were like two black holes as he glared at Victoria as though he wanted to rip her to pieces. However, Victoria only looked at Drake as though his very existence meant nothing in her eyes.

A tense atmosphere gathered between them as they both gazed at the other. The goddess of nature, Flora frowned slightly as she observed both Drake and Victoria who looked like they were about to attack each other at any moment.

"Umm... shouldn't we do something about this?" Flora whispered towards a red-haired beauty who was the closest to her. That red-haired beauty who had been silent for some time finally sighed as her crimson eyes shone with a fierce gleam.

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