Out of control emotions

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Sasha's blood red eyes glowed ominously as she glared at the man who stood before her as though she wanted nothing more than to rip him to pieces.

"Oya, I like that look, why don't you reconsider my earlier offer and become my woman? I promise I'll show you comfort no other man can show you." The burly man said as he gazes at Sasha. "Fuck off!" Sasha retorted as she turned her face away in disgust.

With how things ended up her mood was not particularly good at the moment.

"Sigh, the situation had become troublesome. If those annoying gods decided to get involved now things will start getting complicated." Sasha sighed heavily as she gazes at the crystal still in her hand.

Gods and goddesses were beings beyond their current capability.

The outcome would have been different if Hendrix was still with them but with his absence their means of defending against the gods had weakened significantly. 'We only have a few undead soldier at the moment, it's not nearly enough to contend against those guys.' She thought to herself.

"Hmm... I don't see that undead knight you brought along with you; did something happen to him?" The man inquired, curiously.

"Tch, his body was destroyed by the goddess of light... You should already be aware of the weakness of the aura of death, no?"

"Ah, I see... Indeed, positive energy and negative energy don't mix. In a battle between two opposing energies, the one with the greatest advantage would overpower the other." He said, nodding his head in understanding.

"Sigh, it's going to be difficult to rebuild our undead army without the God of death around." He mumbled bitterly. "Don't worry about that. I recently found out that his incarnation has already been born." Sasha explained.

"What?! H-How come I'm only now hearing about this?"

"Hmph, that's what you get when you don't show up to meeting instead of playing with women all day!" Sasha snorted in disgust.

"Give me a break. I have my urges."

"You damned pervert! You are an undead, how could you have urges?"

As the back and forth between the two continued, a small shadow gradually drew closer to them unnoticed as it blended in with the dark surroundings.

"Forget it. Now that I have encountered the sun goddess and the light goddess, they will most certainly bring back information to the other gods. For the time being make sure not to do anything too conspicuous."

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Though not being able to punch something is killing me, you know." The man sighed sadly as he scratches the back of his head.

"... Currently we have no way of defending ourselves against them. Especially the goddess of light, she is the one I'm most wary of. It's fortunate I was able to retrieve the void energy, something that master Hendrix will definitely need if he wants to succeed in his plans this time." Sasha explained as she glanced at the crystal in her hand.

"Hmm... Is the boy, master Hendrix's incarnation still not ready yet?" He inquired.

"No, not even close. At his current state he is too weak. Unfortunately, I can't make contact with him until his comprehension of the law of death reach at least 70%." Sasha explained, sighing as her brow furrowed slightly. With how slow his current progress is, she wasn't certain if the current time was enough for him to grow.

'No matter what I have to keep his existence a secret from those nuisances.' She thought inwardly. "Can you gather the 10 shadows and tell them to observe him from a distance. No contact is allowed to be made unless those guys get involves." Sasha said with a serious tone.

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