Divinity extraction!

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The ground quake and shook constantly as many rocks and stones could be seen gathering in mid-air, Lincoln narrowed his eyes cautiously as the many stones and rocks combined forming an unknown being.

A huge shadow towered above Lincoln's head as a giant stone golem approximately 20 feet stood tall, glaring down at him menacingly giving Lincoln the feeling as though he was a frightened bunny before a hungry lion.

Charles grabs the handle of his giant hammer; the head of the hammer slowly took the shape of an axe as he pointed the tip at Lincoln.

"Crush him!" He commanded; the giant golem eyes gleamed yellow with a dangerous glint as its giant hand clenched into a huge fist before slamming it downwards!


The sound of strong winds sounded out as the fist came towards him at frightening speed, however, Lincoln's body moved as soon as he felt danger. His legs moved gracefully as though he was doing a dance.



The ground shook as the golem fist struck the earth, sending dirt and debris flying everywhere! Seeing that its attack had missed the golem pursued Lincoln's figure its heavy legs causing the earth to quake violently under its weight.

While running away from the golem Lincoln casually glanced back observing the golem speed with slightly narrowed eyes, 'It's strength is overwhelming but, it's speed is quite manageable.'

He thought, if he had received an attack from the stone golem, he was certain that his body would pay a heavy price that he really didn't want to pay but, even though the golem is strong its speed is so slow that Lincoln didn't need to enhance his speed with mana.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" Charles exclaimed, stomping his feet onto the ground, no sooner than he did a giant earth wall protrudes from the earth obstructing Lincoln's path leaving him with nowhere to run but...

The blade of Lincoln's sword glowed faintly covering in dense darkness as he slashes ferociously ahead! Releasing a slash of darkness towards the earth wall!



The earth wall was easily cut in two halves and crumbled away turning into dust as Lincoln easily jumped over its remains, once he was at a good enough distance, he slowly caught his breath as he attentively observed the situation.



The golem roared fiercely! Slamming its giant fist into the ground!


Lincoln widens his eyes as he saw many large sized boulders flying in his direction, he slashed vigorously with his sword, easily slicing all the boulders to pieces with ease, but just then... "Guh."

As Lincoln was cutting a boulder that was 30 cm wide a giant shadow came closing into his direction from over his head causing him to look up, without thinking twice he went into a defensive position with his sword!


His sword was able to stop Charles giant axe but, "Cough!" Lincoln suddenly coughs out a mouth full of blood, as his face grimaced in pain. The sound of bones breaking echoed out as his body was sent flying from the fist of the golem!

"Hahahaha! Now do you understand the difference between us, mortal? No matter how good you are at swordsmanship, your no match for a God! Now that you understand you can die!"

Charles said, At the same time the golem slowly walks towards Lincoln's body, he bit his lower lips as he endured the pain from his body, his vision was blurry, and more blood oozed down onto his face causing his vision to turn red.

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