No redemption!

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On a wet grassy field illuminated by the crescent moon, two figures could be seen running frantically through the fields at a fast speed.

Their expression as though they had seen something terrifying.

"Pant… pant… Damn it!! How much longer?!!" A man only five meters tall with white hair said while running at great speed.

"How many times are you're going to keep asking that?" The black-haired man at the front said with an annoyed tone.

'Damn it was definitely going to get executed for this failure. Should I even go back? All that awaits us are our own death.' He thought with a grim look present on his face.


"Fuck!! I can't run any further, can we at least take a five-minute rest?" He asks while wiping the sweat running down his face.

Hearing the words of the man behind him the black-haired man stopped his legs before looking back.

"Fool, your legs are already holding me back, now you want me to stop too? Will you at least be a little conscious of the situation."

The black-haired man said. While trying to get his rugged breath under control.

"Why are we even running in the first place? There is no one chasing us?" The white-haired man asks tiredly.

"Just because there is no one chasing after us doesn't mean we shouldn't be wary of our surroundings." He replied with an indifferent voice.

"You're way too vigilant, why can't you relax a little, even if we hurry back the boss is just goanna kill us any way." He said laying down upwards while gazing at the night sky.

'This might be my last time gazing at the sky, ahh Damn it!! If I'm gonna go out, why can't I die in the embrace of a beautiful woman.' He thought completely getting engrossed into his own world.

Seeing him like that the black-haired man snorted through his nose. Before looking into the distance.  The silhouette of a person was visible.

Though he wasn't able to see the features of the person, but someone was slowly approaching.

"Mm." He narrowed his eyes faintly trying to see the one coming towards him.

"Hey someone is coming!" He shouted to his companion who was still lost into his own world.

"Huh," the white-haired man snapped out of his daydream and hurriedly looked into the same direction as the black-haired man.

"Hey, isn't that a kid?" The white-haired man said gazing at the boy dubiously, the black-haired man felt slightly relief.

'It seems we weren't followed after all, but what is a kid doing all the way here.' He thought silently.

Once the boy had reached a distance where he was close enough to converse, he stops at a distance of ten feet. The two men gazed at the boy with caution present in their eyes.

"Oh… you two had stopped it seems, now I will be executing you both. I honestly don't care about your excuses or anything else you'd like to say, now that we're clear please die."

The boy said with a voice that lack emotion, the black-haired man looked straight into the abyss of the boy's deep ocean blue eyes.

The corner of his lip's twitches slightly. Those cold eyes which are gazing at him was completely ignoring his existence as though he was nothing more than a mere bug standing before a hungry lion.

His body instinctively quivers. "Don't make me laugh boy, why don't you run on home now, I'm sure your parents are worried about you. Stay out of the way of grownups." The white-haired man said mockingly. But then.


The sound of something could be heard cutting through the air, before long an object could be seen flying through the air.

Then fell to the ground with a 'thump.' "Eh." The white-haired man widens his eyes when he felt a sharp pain on his hand. When he gazed at his right hand, he saw that his hand was completely severed cleanly from his wrist.

"AHHHH!!!" soon his loud cry echoed through the grassy field. Like the steak of a wild beast, he fell to the ground and writhed in pain.

"Ahhhh!! My arm!!! My arm!!! It's bleeding!!! Please help me!!!" He shouted. While rolling on the grass wet with his blood.

Though his scream was like clear melody to Kenta's ear, the black-haired man looked at his companion in complete horror.

"Tch, your voice is getting irritating." Kenta muttered softly before lunging his sword into his head penetrating the white-haired man's skull, stabbing his brain in one go.

The white-haired man's eyes were opened wide as he died, his eyes showing complete terror and disbelief.

Kenta then ignored the body of the white-haired man as though he was just a piece of trash thrown away, he turned his eyes to his next target.

"Wh-Who are you?" He asks fearfully. It was clearly obvious he wasn't dealing with a normal child.

A child definitely wouldn't have killed so indifferently without even showing a moment of hesitation. He swallowed his saliva as he gazed into those empty blue eyes fearfully.

"Hmm… me? who am I? I wonder, well if I were to introduce myself, I'd say, I'm just an orphan who is seeking retribution for all the innocent children who your companions had killed." Kenta said with a clear voice.

Though his voice was like that of the grim reaper, seeking the souls of his targets. The black-haired man froze as though his heart were squeezed tightly.

His body shake repeatedly and uncontrollably. He then went down on his knees before lowering his head. Causing the grass beneath him to rustle noisily.

"Wait!! please spare my life, I'm even willing to become your slave!!" The black-haired man said knees downward and begging for his life to be spared.

"Hmm… didn't I already told you? You get no redemption." He said, though for a moment he was slightly surprised.

He never expected him to offer himself as a slave, slaves were treated as nothing more than tools to their owners.

And was definitely the worst punishment anyone would want, but when thinking about it calmly it surely was a better form of punishment than death. He made an expression as though pondering for a while.

Before turning his gazed towards the man before him. He made a face filled with expectations.

Even if he had to swallow his pride and dignity, he would do so a hundred times if it meant he could live. He already had no future ahead of himself.

Once he made it back his boss was going to kill him anyway. Kenta looked at the man silently for a while before raising his broad sword.

"Eh! Wait!?" The black-haired man tried to say something but.


With a flick of his sword the head of the black-haired man was sent flying with fresh blood staining the grassy field crimson.

Kenta looked at the mess with a look of indifferent.

Though he could feel his strength increasing, a small smile then formed on his face. He once again looked at the bloody mess and frowned slightly.

"Hah, what a mess." He said before walking back towards the mansion.

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