Things are about to change

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After Lize had stepped inside the spatial rift she instantly appeared approximately five minutes after Lincoln and Alina had left. Hovering roughly five hundred meters above the destroyed snowy mountain Lize observed her surroundings.

Even now the aura of death continued to contaminate the surrounding area for roughly several kilometers. Many trees died while the air was thick with the scent of death.

The aura was so dense that not only had it completely covered the entire sky, but the surroundings as well preventing anyone from seeing what lies beyond.

"... This place is where Hendrix's mansion was once built, isn't it? Why is the aura of death here of all places?" Lize tilted her head cutely in confusion.

The aura of death should have long left this place...

At least, she was certain that the aura of death wasn't here when she last came to this place, so why? She couldn't quite fathom the situation.

"I guess I should go and find the source of the aura of death." She muttered to herself as she gazed down below. However, for a moment a look of hesitation shone in her beautiful pink colored eyes as she sighed.

She could easily guess the other gods were probably in a state of uproar about now, she really wanted to go back and check on things, but...

"Sigh, I hope this doesn't interfere with my naps too much." She muttered listlessly.

Soon, a slightly thin pink transparent barrier appeared around her body in the shape of a square, if the aura of death were to come in contact with her body even, she wasn't certain she could make it out alive.

The square shaped transparent barrier then slowly descended down into the depths of the abyssal hole left behind by Lincoln's previous attack.


Meanwhile, back inside the temple of power...

Kenta had tried leaving the room many times but no matter how many times he had tried opening up the door it wouldn't budge an inch.

"Sigh, it's no use, it won't open." He muttered in frustration. He had spent quite a while here inside his room speaking with Lize that he had lost track of time.

He was probably here for at least half an hour or so, his lunch time will be up within the next hour, so he wanted to see what was going on, on the outside.

[Forget it... this entire room is now trap within an isolated space. It's completely free from the influence of the outside world.]

"Huh, an isolated space... th-that woman sealed the entire room in a subspace? H-How?! Is such a feat even possible?!" Kenta asked incredulously.

[Little Kenta, you need to broaden your view point a bit more, we are talking about an actual goddess here, such a feat is nothing special for beings who had already transcended the mortal realm.] Agni spoke, a little exasperated at Kenta's naivety.

Kenta furrowed his brow at Agni's words, indeed perhaps he had been Underestimating the gods a little, it was just that until now Kenta had been living the mundane life of a regular mortal. So, there were still many things he didn't know about them.

However, regardless of their strengths he will not fall to their hands, he clenched his hand into a fist as he muttered under his breath.

"In that case then... I'll be the strongest!"

[An unachievable goal for your current self.] Agni's words hit mercilessly as Kenta's brow twitches slightly. And as though covering up his embarrassment he coughed and uttered.

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