Time to die!

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Kenta's blue emotionless eyes carried a deep feeling of agitation, he had just killed someone with his once pure childish hands, though it wasn't his first time, he had killed two People today.

First was that skinny man whose existence was so low that he didn't even consider his life to be much different from that of an ant.

But even so he had killed one of his own kind, it was a different feeling from gazing at a corpse.

"Sigh… This isn't enough, I'll definitely have to kill more in the near future. Something like this is nothing." He said firmly.

The ones who hesitate in the face of danger are the ones who end up dead in the end. He wasn't foolish enough to surrender his own life to anyone, if someone dare endanger his life or stand in his way, he will kill them without mercy.

"Nn." That is the path he decided to walk three years ago, that hasn't change it definitely won't change.

Those people had killed many innocent children, from his perspective they deserve to die for their crimes, he didn't feel any kind of regret for what he did.

Even though he knew taking the life of others was a great sin, he honestly didn't feel that bothered by it.

He would've definitely rather the option of killing those pieces of trash a thousand times than to let his life end by their hands. Despite the uncomfortable feeling he felt from having taken the life of another human, his eyes showed no compassion.

"After all…" He refused to become someone's nourishment, and so he will be the beast that devoured anyone who obstruct his goal.

Kenta walked towards the broken window of the mansion and gazed outside, from what he could see everything seemed perfectly fine, there wasn't a single trace of disturbance in the serene garden. However.

'Something's wrong, I believe I saw five shadow leaping over the garden walls. Didn't I? I've only seen two of them so far.'

He thought frowning.

"Where are the other three?" He wondered.

While Kenta was staring outside the window, three grown men were guarding the mansions door from all side.

"Sigh… how Long are they goanna take to steel one gemstone!" A tall man whose bulky body was no way inferior to Grayson said in a loud voice.

He had heard many loud banging coming from within the mansions walls so he decided that they must be coming out soon, however it has been over 30 minutes since then and he hadn't heard anything from the two since then.

"Do- do you think they had some kind of trouble?" A man who was barely five feet tall said with a serious face.

"What? No way the bosses younger brother Grayson went inside, you know. There's no one here who could possibly put up a decent fight."

A black-haired man head man said. Though despite his words it was obvious to everyone that even he was feeling slightly agitated. Due to the fact that they haven't heard anything from their two companions.

"Screw it! I'm going in, you two wait out here." The bulky man at the lead said losing his patience.

"Wait Sir Mick, didn't the boss's younger brother say we should wait here?" He asks gazing at Mick fearfully.

"Fuck that! It's obvious those two are probably taking their sweet time having fun while we are out here freezing to death from the cold!!" Mick said in a angry voice.

Feeling the pressure coming from him the other two didn't dare to object any further deeming it to be hopeless at this point.

"Understood, then we will wait here while you go in." The black-haired man said calmly.

Meanwhile back inside the mansion Kenta's gazed was drawn towards a small brown bag that was covered with the ashes of Grayson. He slowly picked up the bag and opened it to see what was inside, his blue eyes glittered softly when he saw the green gemstone.

"Hmm… what is this?" Kenta looked at the stone curiously for a moment, he could easily tell that the stone in his hand was extremely valuable. It's worth seems no less than diamonds. As it glittered with the moonlight shining through the broken window.

"Could this be the reason why these people decided to invade the mansion?" He asks aloud.

Though there was no one present to answer his obvious question. Kenta let out a tired sigh before putting the gem inside his pocket.

"I told Charlotte to run away but, where did she go?" He wondered. He didn't run into the bodies of Nessa and Rick.

So, it was clear those two are most likely alive and are probably hiding somewhere inside the mansion.

"I need to find them." He said before running down the staircase.

"It seems they went on quite the rampage huh." Mick muttered while gazing around the destroyed rooms, the Furnitures were slightly out of place, the ornaments and painting place on the walls were all cracked and had torn in many places.

'The noise has stop, does this mean they accomplish the goal? Or was some kind of obstruction that got in the way.' He thought of many possibilities but then gave up. Deeming it to be a waste of time. He went upstairs glancing at the destruction of the upper layer.

His eyes pass many lifeless bodies of children, but he ignored them with an indifferent expression.

"Mn." Mick's expression turned slightly suspicious when he glances at the person gazing at him from a distance of 10 feet away.

There was a boy who seems to be 14 years of age standing there with his bright blonde colored hair, and eyes as blue as the vast sea.

"Good… so you came to me on your own, it's time to die." The boy said while gazing at him coldly.

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