I found you!

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'A mask capable of using illusions to hide the face of any who wears it. Something like this would be very valuable in my current situation.' Kenta thought secretly. An enchanted mask wasn't something one could easily get their hands on.

Talented people capable of creating such powerful artifacts are hard to find and also, these masks could even be abused if fallen into the wrong hands. Kenta frowns as he thought of many possible usages and advantages this mask could give him.

His goal was to eliminate the prince of the kingdom of Barat, doing so will definitely make him the most wanted man in the kingdom, if he somehow finds a way to leave the kingdom and live in some other powerful nation then he would have nothing to worry about but, 'Leaving won't be easy, if they locked down all possible escape routes then it would probably be impossible.'

However, with the masks of illusion he could execute his plans without any issues, all he needs to do is simply hide his face and that problem would be solved. But even though Kenta's rational mind was telling him this was something he needed with certainty he couldn't bring himself to steel from an old man.

At the end of the day, maybe he felt nothing towards killing those he deemed as his enemies he still didn't like the idea of stealing from someone who hadn't done anything to him. '... But even then.' A look of regret shone in his blue colored eyes as he gazed at the mask in his hand. 'What should I do?' He wondered to himself.

Even if one were to appear in the market the price would definitely be more than what an average person could afford. However, for Kenta money wasn't an issue. The problem was that the vendor didn't seem interested in selling the mask.

Sure... Kenta could easily steel the mask if he wanted. If he had used his lightning to increase his speed, then steeling something like this wasn't difficult for him but... aside from being wrong from a moral point of view, there was something else that was bothering him.

'I already made too many enemies in this city, that famous businessman will definitely cause trouble for me later. No need to go out of my way to create more unnecessary trouble.' Kenta thought as he returned the mask back to the old man, instead he bought one of the masks that partially exposed the bottom half of his face, the demon mask and clown mask stood out too much and was way too flashy for his taste.

With the mask now in his possession Kenta's figure turned into a blur and he disappeared from that place completely, leaving behind a strong breeze from the sudden acceleration of his movement. Meanwhile, as he left Kenta was completely unaware of the existence of a giant eagle like bird circling the skies above his former position.

The red eyes of the eagle gazed downwards onto the stall where the mask of illusion laid as a peculiar glint shone in those fierce eyes.

Standing on top of a building two figures could be seen, one was a beautiful woman with long brown color haired blowing in the wind, her cloak fluttering behind her back as her bright blue eyes carried a strange glint within them.

Meanwhile, standing next to her was a handsome man dressed in an expensive looking suit with bright golden hair. "Hm, that boy could have easily stolen that mask and yet... he chose to leave it behind. How interesting." The man with golden hair, Leroux also known as the 'Crimson sword' muttered.

"That mask seem to be enchanted with illusion magic, since he had killed the son of a very influential man before the eyes of the public, he must want to use that mask to hide his face." Jessica explained. Though, she couldn't understand why he left the mask behind when he could have easily stolen it with his speed.

'Maybe he isn't as cold as I thought, he had mercilessly killed that swordsman who had given up when he realized he was no match for him so, I thought he was a brut who didn't care about morality or decency.' She thought, for some reason she couldn't stop her red lips from curving upwards into a faint smile.

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