A prediction?

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Back to the present time....

Both Lincoln and Alina pondered deeply but, they couldn't come up with any possible answers for why they were still alive.

The fate of their master has already long been decided, they should have shared their master's fate but, they were still here alive and well.

"How strange usually I should be happy about our survival but.... for some reason all I feel is melancholy." Alina said, slumping her shoulders in a show of despondent. Lincoln remained silent but, his silence meant he was in agreement.

They were still alive but, at the same time their master... their reason for living was no longer there. Was there even a reason for them to keep living in this situation?

'In that battle I... I was completely defeated. As I expected the current me is no match for a God, just how strong would a true God be?' Lincoln wondered to himself.

Both Lincoln and his little sister Alina was created from Hendrix's godly blood but that doesn't mean they were gods, without divinity it was impossible for someone to be named a god but, technically they weren't mortals either but something similar to a demigod.

"Sigh. No use pondering about things we don't understand, let's see what's happening outside before we do anything else, okay" Lincoln said, turning his gaze towards Alina who nodded along.

"B-But what about master?" She asked, pointing towards the direction of the skeleton who was sitting on a throne with a robe around its body.

"Hm, we'll give him a proper burial." Lincoln replied. '.... Is this really master?' He wondered.

The connection was weak when compared with the connection he had with Hendrix but, he could feel his connection with someone else far away. 'Just whom does this connection belongs to?' He questioned.
"Right. Then... Hm. looks like our armor had already repaired itself." Alina said, happily.

The armor they wore were special they could regenerate from any damage they take, though it takes a while depending on certain amount of damage is inflict onto the armor.

Since they were damage by the gods they faced, it took quite a lot of time it seems.

Alina didn't like the idea of moving around with a damage armor so, she was really happy to see her armor had repaired itself.

"Yes, most likely while we were turned to stone, perhaps?" Lincoln pondered nonchalantly.

He then turned towards the skeleton seated on the throne before appearing before it. It was amazing at that even though it's probably been there for a long time the skeleton is still in perfect condition, it was as if it had only recently been a skeleton. Not a single speck of dust could be seen on the skeletons bony body. Even the beautifully well-made robe was in perfect condition.

The skeleton also wore a small silver bracelet on its arm. After observing the skeleton for some time Lincoln took the bracelet as well as the robe that was around its body.

".... Master, I hope you rest well." Alina said as she clasps her hands in prayer. Following her gesture Lincoln also did the same as he lowered his head reverently.

After a moment of silence, they both took up the artifacts that were still hidden within the robe and took up the skeleton before making their way outside the room.
On the outside of an old ruin in a desolate field there was a door with strange marking writing on the surface of the old door that was covered with sand.

The sound of a soft creaking was heard as the two-sided door slowly opened. Two figures could be seen making their way outside.

One was a handsome man with long waist length blonde hair, dressed in a golden armor. On his waist was a beautiful sword still inside its sheath, his green pupils reflected the mountains in the far distance.

Corrupted soulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora