Lightning vs Wind!

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The hand of the unknown figure in the darkness slowly approached Kenta's exposed neck, that hand was both slender and at the same time delicate, yet it also carried a strange feeling of danger.

The cold air blew through the opened window behind the figure along with the clear flapping sound of the curtain fluttering in the night breeze.

The figure once again observed Kenta's sleeping face closely as the hand of the figure drew near and was a distance of merely three meters away from making contact with Kenta's neck, a deathly cold voice along with a tremendous killing intent erupted, instantly dispersing the peaceful atmosphere within the room!

"Who the hell are you?!" For an instant purple lightning flickered wildly as the room was illuminated with a faint purple radiance.

The face of the figure was finally revealed for an instant as the glow of the purple lightning illuminated her facial features.

However, noticing she had been discovered she made a tactical retreat and instantly backed away and was prepared to escape through the opened window behind her but...

"?!" Before she could a wall made from purple lightning suddenly appeared blocking entry to the window behind her. Two pair of glowing crimson eyes looked at her from amidst the darkness. "You already went through the trouble of coming here, why leave so soon?" A voice that was filled with murderous intent, yet carried no intonation spoke amidst the darkness.

"Let me guess, you're an assassin working for the father of that arrogant pig and was sent to kill me." Kenta spoke, as a powerful pressure filled the entire room. Even though he was acting calm on the outside, only he knew how pissed off he actually was.

Not long ago he was sleeping peacefully, when Agni suddenly warned him of an intruder breaking into his room! He wanted nothing more than to break the neck of the figure who stood before him now!

Soon, the entire room became bright as a sphere of multicolored flame suddenly burst out from his palm, completely illuminating the room, and making it possible to see everything within the entire room, Agni acted as an artificial light source.

Kenta's blue colored eyes narrowed with a dangerous gleam within them as he got to his feet. "So, are you going to explain yourself?" He questioned, in a calm tone. However, "..." The woman remained silent as she drew a dagger from the strap on her right thigh and went into a fighting stance.

"I see... in that case I'll just kill you, then kill the bastard who sent you." Kenta said, indifferently. However, he could see that the woman before him was no push over, as her aura was actually really strong! He really wasn't confident he could win, but then again so what? His nap was ruined because of them, He was really furious!

However, he quickly summoned a greatsword made from purple lightning, he had considered using "Soul eater" But, decided against it using that sword indoors wasn't ideal.

Besides, this could easily serve as training as the black-haired woman before him was an experience fighter. Before Kenta could say anything, the black-haired woman's body blurred as she suddenly disappeared as she closed the distance with agile steps swinging the dagger in her right hand!

But Kenta saw through all her swings, he moved his body instantly to react to all her strike, as his sword clashed against her dagger! 'Hm? He blocked my attack?' She wondered with wide eyes, but when she sees the streaks of purple lightning coming from Kenta's body, she finally saw through the reason he was able to react to all her speed.

'No wonder lightning is so feared, its speed is no joke.' She thought as she distances herself from Kenta. As an assassin she had a lot of pride in her own speed seeing that she was being out done by someone much younger than her didn't make her feel happy at all. "?!" She increased her speed closing in on Kenta! While thrusting her dagger.

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