Revenge is evil? No, revenge is true justice!

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After their talk was concluded, Kenta made his way towards his room.

He took out a suit of clothes and then made his way towards the bath area of the mansion, however after walking around the mansion for roughly 10 minutes he still couldn't find his way towards the bathroom.

'This is annoying' he thought frustrated, no matter where he went the layout of the mansion was too confusing to follow.

He then looked at the map on the white mansion walls which shows the various location, but even then, the map was too confusing to read.

After letting out a short sigh, he saw children around his own age group and decided to follow them. Fortunately, it was now bath time, deeming this to be his only option.

"Umm, excuse me your Kenta, right." When he was walking three feet behind them. A boy who seems to be one year older than him suddenly called out to him. He nodded his head once with a face that lack any expression.

"Oh. I'm Rick, it's nice to meet you." The boy said turning around his body to look at Kenta's face closely.

"It's nice to meet you." Kenta answered.

Hearing his reply, the boy seems to want to talk with Kenta some more. As though noticing that Kenta pointed towards the tall wooden door before him. The boy turned his gazed towards the direction Kenta was pointing and widen his eyes in surprise.

"Oh… it seems we're already here." He muttered, Kenta ignored the boy's reaction and went inside the room along with the other children.

The bathroom was wide and spacious, there were approximately 30 children inside the room, but even so Kenta didn't feel suffocated.

There were still a lot of room where he could walk around without, worrying about bumping into anyone.

He then went into the changing room next to the exit, after taking off all his clothes until he was just in his towel, he then washes his body with a wet rag.

Feeling the slight dryness of the rag Kenta took up a bottle of soap but frowned when noticing the bottle was empty.

'What am I going to do now.' He thought.

"Here, you can use this." From his right shoulder, he felt the sensation of something slightly touching him, when he turned his head to his right shoulder, he saw a bottle which was filled with orange soap.

Kenta recognize the voices owner; he then accepts the bottle without looking at the person who gave him.

Rick then sits next to Kenta and started washing his silky brown hair, then his upper body with his wet rag. After watching him cautiously for a few seconds, Kenta also started washing his body with the new soap he had just received.

"Hey, is there a reason why you're always alone?" Rick asked while sending him a curious look.

"Do I need a reason not to be alone?" Kenta replied in a curt voice. He really had no interest in anyone here, why should he go out of his way to make friends. He had far better things to do than to waste his time on them.

"I guess not but… don't you ever feel lonely?" Rick asked gazing at Kenta as though feeling sorry for him. Feeling his gaze Kenta's brow twitch.

"Are you pitying me?" He inquired in a cold voice.

"Eh, ah, no… not at all." He said awkwardly. While glancing away a bit sadly.

"How did you end up as an orphan?" Kenta suddenly asked, even though he couldn't care less about the children from the orphanage, it would be a lie if he said he wasn't interested in their story.

"Oh, so you're actually interested in something after all." Rick said with a slight smile.

"Are you going to tell me or not." He said annoyedly.

"Well… I never met my dad; he passed away before I could remember him. So, I grew up with my mother. However, she was executed by nobles while we were living in the slums." He answered somewhat bitterly.

"Don't you want revenge?" Kenta ask confused as to why he's taking it so easy.

"Revenge? Well, I don't think that is the right thing to do, you know. There is a saying revenge is evil, after all getting revenge won't bring my mother back. I just want to live happily, so that my mother could continue watching over me from now here on." He said showing a smile on his face.

"Is that so… I… I can't just wash my hands and act like nothing happened, as long as the ones who took my happiness away from me is still out there, I will kill them." He muttered menacingly clenching both his fist tightly, the bottle of soap was twisted while a large quantity of soap pours out. Watching from the side Rick wore a complicated expression.

"…. Are you, okay." He asks fearfully.

"Of course, I'm perfectly fine." Kenta said getting up from his seat.

"Sorry about your soap." He said giving back the twisted bottle to Rick who accept it with a small smile on his face.

"N-No it's fine, don't worry about it." He replied.

It was now 12:00 Am most of the mansion residence were all most likely asleep. Choosing that time, Kenta snuck out of his room and went towards the exit door of the mansion.

He moved stealthy so that his feet don't make a single noise, he also made sure not to leave behind any footprints or any other signs that someone had leaved the mansion. He slowly made his way towards a certain direction on top a hill. Near the mansion.

Two stone pillars stood there. One had the name Liam while the other had the name Angie, those are the graves of his parents. Seeing them his face was filled with sadness. However, sadness wasn't the only feeling that occupied his heart.

Fury, hatred. those two were far stronger than any other feelings he had. He clenched his fist tightly. He then looked up at the night sky above his head.

"…. If you are watching over me… I'm sorry, I don't know whether you will be happy or not about my decision. But that is the choice I made; I will avenge you." He muttered quietly.

'Revenge is evil, don't be ridiculous. Revenge is true justice.' He thought.

Unbeknownst to Kenta the shadow of a lone girl stood behind him, It was Ellen, as her long dressed fluttered in the night wind she couldn't help but stare at him with deep curiosity shining within her beautiful gem-like eyes. And just like that a few weeks passed with Kenta's new life at the orphanage.

During those time he continued swinging his wooden sword, while Ellen visited him frequently, inviting him for eat together or sometimes even socialize with the other children, much to his annoyance.

How although he found them quite annoying, a part of him was actually starting to enjoy their company, a little. And like that a few months passed in a blink of an eye.

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